Have a look at the UNIGOU Publications developed by students participating in the INCBAC academic programs:

Female Genital Mutilation: Why Should We Still Tackle It in 2023?

Ulysses de Moraes Torracca, Paula


February 6th is the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), this date represents the importance of tackling the practice of female genital mutilation all over the world, aiming to reduce it as much and in as many countries as possible. However, even though this date has its significance for the international community, the number of cases of female genital mutilation in certain areas of the globe are still considerably high. Taking this into account, this article seeks to highlight the gravity of tackling the practices of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the year of 2023, analysing how different actors from the international community – such as, sovereign States, regional and international organisations – found their own ways to reduce FGM and to advocate for the health and for the human rights of girls and women from various backgrounds. Therefore, this study will consist in a literature review, that will serve us as a guide to critically analyse the problematic behind the practices of FGM, leading us to comprehension of its complexity, who facilitates its implementation and its consequences. for girls and women all over the world.


Female Genital Mutilation, gender rights, reproductive health, End FGM.

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The Application of Telemonitoring in Different Health Fields: A Bibliographical Review

Vaz Ferreira, Lívia Gabrielle


Telemonitoring is a telehealth service that has been increasingly used and that makes it possible to monitor the patient’s state of health, through the monitoring of physiological changes, the evolution of the treatment, through the recording of patient information, and contacts with professionals of health. It can be performed both in simpler ways, such as through telephone calls, where a health professional talks to the patient, as well as through applications or medical devices developed specifically to assist the patient, taking notes and recording relevant physiological information or detecting anomalies. With the pandemic caused by covid-19, a way to accompany the patient without crowding or exposure to environments at risk of contagion has become very necessary. In addition to making this possible, telemonitoring also means that the patient does not have to go to the hospital or any medical center just to be evaluated, since in some cases the patients may be weakened, and it allows accompanying the patient in cases of rehabilitation. Telemonitoring is also a way to ensure access to medical care and reduce costs, queues and hospital admissions. It is a technique with a great potential for exploration, being, at the same time, a challenge and an opportunity for public and private health agencies.


Telemonitoring, hospital, health care, pregnancy, heart diseases, rehabilitation.

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The Bioeconomy in South America: Understanding Visions, Concepts and Narratives

Vaz Oliveira Aguiar, Rodolfo


As the climate breakdown and the environmental degradation demands new pathways for sustainability, dozens of countries have been working on strategies and policies towards a bioeconomy. Researchers have been concerned essentially in the state of bioeconomy strategies in Global North, as the case of European countries and its vision towards a green transition. In South America, some countries have been working on bioeconomy strategies and development plans related. However, it still lacks an overview to understand what are the visions, concepts, and narratives that are driving the initiatives in this region. The mainstream discourse, of course, has a strong influence, but there are alternative models towards a bioeconomy in many of these countries. This research has the task to assess the bioeconomy strategies and plans related in a selected number of countries through an analytical framework that has been applied throughout the literature. The hypothesis is that there is no vision that converges these strategies toward an integrated framework driven by structural change and environmental sustainability aimed at reversing biodiversity losses and providing food security to local communities. After assessing and comparing selected strategies, it is expected to discuss the findings in order to provide a strong overview that could be considered for further cases in the whole region and even in many Global South countries.


Bioeconomy, South America, sustainability, biodiversity, structural change.

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Law of Fishing Prohibition: The Impacts of the Piracema Period on the Artisanal Fishing Economy in the State of Santa Catarina

Vianna de Abreu Barreto, Luiza


Artisanal fishing is of greater importance to the economy in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, where this category of fishing represents a substantial local fishing production due to the several rivers that exist over the State and allows the growth of many fish species. Although there is a period called Piracema, which is equivalent to the spawning season, which makes the fishing activity forbidden during this time of the year. Thus, this season is followed by State and Federal Regulations that make the fishing prohibited and purpose control all fishery activity throughout this period. This study aims to display the fishing prohibition legislation and discuss its importance for the maintenance of fishing preservation on the environment and its impacts on Artisanal fishermen in the State of Santa Catarina who only have the fishing as a labor economy. In this last situation, the study reveals the unemployment insurance for fishermen during fishing prohibition developed by the Santa Catarina’s government to minimize the financial damages that happen to the fishermen as well as the methods used for fishing and types of fish that are possible to angling during the Piracema season while the fertilization and development of the fish happen in the environment. Furthermore, the methodology used in this work was the literature review, which was based on secondary data collection from educational institutions, governments, archives, and legislations, among other sources listed in the references.


Piracema, spawning season, artisanal fishing economy, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, law of fishing prohibition, sustainability.

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International Comparison of Tax Systems

Viegas Bernardi da Cruz, Felipe


The article starts by giving a general overview of the brazilian tax system. Thereafter, an analysis is made of the Czech Republic counterpart. concluding, the differences and similarities between the taxation applicable in both countries are discussed, with the discovery that the basic framework of both systems is very similar, though there are many disparities between what activites are taxed.


Tax, Investment, Capital Market, Tax Exemption, Income Tax, Brazil, Czech Republic.

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Upcycling as an Alternative to Depletion of Natural Resources: The Curitiba Scenery

Vieira Zanella, Antonia


Earth’s resources are limited, and environmental indicators such as Overshoot Day and Ecological Footprint show that humankind is exhausting them before they are able to renew themselves naturally. Hence the need to seek consumption alternatives in order to not exhaust planet Earth. One of these alternatives, upcycling, fits this demand, as it seeks to use waste as raw material, instead of natural resources and all the burden that their extraction causes to the planet. With that in mind, this paper presents the practice of upcycling and its relevance to society; connects the practice with the science of Geography; and reviews the scenery of upcycling in the city of Curitiba, by reviewing the online presence of brands and analysing the connection of the practice with Curitiba’s history as a “clean city”. It was found that there is a promising scene of the practice in Curitiba, however, it requires a purchasing power that is not accessible to a lower-middle class population and, therefore, the potential of this practice as a factor for large-scale environmental change is questioned. To become more advantageous and, consequently, more widespread, practices such as upcycling should mind two factors: high prices and, for the fashion industry, small availability of clothing sizes. Geography relates to all of this and is able to give the support to make this kind of analysis due to its holistic nature.


Upcycling, natural resources, Curitiba.

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The Santo Ildefonso’s Frontiers: Delineations of Value in the Old Regime

Villela Pereira, Guilherme


The limits demarcation commissions were sent to the colony for the purpose of delimitation of the frontiers between Portuguese and Spanish America, determined by the Santo Ildefonso Treaty (1777). In this historical context of disputes about the possession and exploration of the american territory, the service of engineers, mathematicians and astronomers was essential for the construction of military buildings that were strategic to the occupation and the gathering of informations that were employed in the diplomatic negotiations concerning disputed regions, above all through cartography. From the study about the expedition through Rio Branco performed by the third division unit of the demarcations and the comparative analysis of maps, diaries and letters, I intend to carry on an integrated take on this voyage. I seek to understand how those engineers and astronomers promoted their diligence and honor through their service, the establishment of relationships with local authorities and, mainly, the production of those documents; seeking their insertion in a bureaucratic plot motivated by the acquisition of “merces” and benefits that highlight the metropolitan interest in the colonial space and the exercise of power in this Old Regime society.


Astronomers, demarcation commissions, engineers, merces, Portuguese America.

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LBGT+ Labour and the Role in Development: A Recent Literature Review

Vinha Soares, Artur


This paper presents a literature review of the relationship between the LGBT+ community and economic development. The LGBT+ community is often excluded from economic processes due to prejudice and discrimination, which leads to negative impacts on both the community and society as a whole. The study highlights the importance of examining power relations and their impact on marginalized communities, as well as the need to center marginalized voices and perspectives in any efforts towards social justice. The literature review covers various works that discuss the origins of the field of research and its most important concepts, including queer perspectives on international relations and economics. The study emphasizes the significance of examining dominant narratives and structures, and includes empirical evidence of the prejudice distorting the labour market. The study also explores the role of LGBTQ+ entrepreneurship in economic development, as well as the challenges and barriers that LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs may face, such as difficulty accessing capital and networks. More recent studies have investigated the relationship between LGBT+ inclusion and economic development, using macro-level analysis to investigate the impact of inclusion on a country’s economic development. Overall, the study argues for more statistical analysis and ways the area can be enriched, emphasizing the need to examine the struggles faced by the LGBT+ community and investigate how the field is addressing the issue of economic exclusion and its downsides in development. The paper provides an overview of the field, including its most important concepts, and concludes with some general directions for further studies.


Labour, LGBT, Development, Literature Review.

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Improving Thermal Comfort in Brazilian Residences

Valadares de Sá, Vanessa Aparecida


Brazil has a predominantly tropical climate, with temperatures typically ranging between 24 and 25°C. However, the thermal performance standards for buildings in the country establish an ideal comfort temperature range of approximately 22°C to 24°C. To meet this standard, the use of air conditioning systems in Brazilian residences is common. There are various construction techniques that can be applied to improve the thermal performance of buildings, aiming to enhance energy efficiency. These techniques include modifications to building facades to promote better natural ventilation. Additionally, these strategies can be optimized with the use of high thermal efficiency materials, such as Phase Change Materials (PCM), which have the ability to absorb and release heat, maintaining stable temperatures. This study aims, first and foremost, to explain the importance of architectural modifications to building facades in Brazilian constructions. Subsequently, the article proposes an evaluation of the thermal performance of a five-story residential model with the incorporation of PCM. The main objective is to identify construction strategies that provide greater thermal comfort without the need for artificial cooling systems. This is of utmost importance in creating more comfortable and sustainable indoor environments in regions with hot climates, significantly contributing to energy efficiency and the well-being of people.


Phase Change Materials, Residential Buildings, Thermal Performance, Subtropical Climate.

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Velocity Distribution for Flow in Pressurized Pipes: A Critical Review

Vale Freire, Daniel Felipe


This paper provides a critical review of velocity distribution in fluid flows within pipes. Models developed from the classical deterministic approach and Principle of Maximum Entropy (PME) are presented and discussed. According to the deterministic approach, the velocity distribution in laminar flow depends on the rheological model of the fluid. For turbulent flows, the well be known velocity profiles proposed by Prandtl-von Kárman lack physical consistency across the entire pipe region. The power-law model depends on the Reynolds number and fluid viscosity, while also exhibiting physical inconsistencies. On the other hand, entropic velocity distribution (EVD) was obtained from the PME, which in turn is based on the information theory, Shannon entropy (SE), random variable and constraints related to total probability and the conservation laws of mass, momentum, and energy. Thus, EVD represents a conceptual and generalized model that is physically consistent and satisfies all the assumptions required for flow within pipes. Additionally, it does not necessitate prior knowledge of the fluid rheological model and can be applied to both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids regardless of the rheological model, flow regime and roughness of the pipe.


Velocity distribution, information theory, maximum entropy.

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Unlocking Educational Vulnerabilities Insights: Modeling Encceja Data for Student Performance Analysis

Vaz de Melo Oliveira, Diógenes


This study focuses on modeling open data from the National Examination for the Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja), an exam that allows individuals who haven’t completed elementary or secondary education at the appropriate age to obtain a certificate equivalent to a regular school diploma. Encceja plays a vital role in Brazilian education, providing valuable insights into student performance across diverse knowledge domains. Using dimensional modeling techniques by Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross, the study organized a fact table and dimensions within a cloud computing environment on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) involved the use of Python in a Sagemaker notebook instance and queries on Athena. The objective was to pave the way for developing a Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard that stimulates discussions for enhancing the Brazilian educational system. It is expected to develop graphical visualizations as a follow-up to this study.


Encceja, Dimensional data modeling, Data Warehouse, Brazilian educational system.

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Breaking Barriers and Facing Stereotypes: A Comprehensive Study in Rock & Metal

Verardo de Moraes, Ingridi


This research paper explores the enduring issue of sexism in rock and heavy metal music, revealing the layers of misogyny and gender bias despite these genres’ rebellion against social norms. It discusses the historical context, cultural influences, and social expectations that have perpetuated women’s struggle for recognition and respect in male-dominated spaces. The paper highlights how women often had to downplay their gender to gain recognition for their musical talents and addresses gender cancellation, where women had to become ‘one of the guys’ to be taken seriously. It also exposes the objectification of women in lyrics, album covers, and media representation, emphasising the commodification of the female body. Additionally, it discusses the challenges of promoting female artists without unintentionally excluding them. Overall, the paper underscores the urgent need to challenge deep-rooted gender biases and redefine the narrative surrounding women in these music genres.


Sexism in Music, Gender Stereotypes in Rock and Metal, Female Musicians, Feminism in Rock and Metal Music, Music Industry Objectification.

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AI-Powered Agriculture: A Scientometric Review of Technological Trends

Vicentin Leite, Kawan


Considered a key element in addressing the current challenges facing the agricultural sector related to food production and climate change, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is successfully helping to optimize human processes or tasks in several sectors. In this study, we present a scientometric analysis to answer the question, what are the technological trends of the application of artificial intelligence in agriculture? We use references indexed in the Scopus, a scientometric methodology, and software tools to perform the research. We identify that the countries with the highest number of publications are India, China, and the United States through document analysis. China is a country with more authors and institutions collaboration. The institution with the highest published number of papers was China Agricultural University. Finally, we identified that Ontology and Sentinel-2 refer to technologies to apply artificial intelligence and information technologies in agriculture. Also, we identify that the Internet of Things (IoT), decision support systems and machine learning is still a mandatory topic in these applications.


Artificial intelligence, Agriculture, Scientometry, Technological Trends.

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Tuberculosis in Brazil: Difficulties in Case Control During the Pandemic Period

Vieira do Nascimento, Laryssa


The COVID-19 pandemic represented a period of intense difficulties in controlling tuberculosis cases in the country due to various causes. Research method: For this analysis, the number of confirmed cases made available on the TABNET website during the years 2018 to 2022 were analyzed according to the regions of Brazil.  Results: As a result, all regions show a decrease followed by an increase in the number of tuberculosis cases during and after the pandemic. Discussion: This scenario can be related both to factors related to the patient and the presence of patient comorbidities, highlighting HIV, the fear of contracting SARS-CoV-2 and the worsening of social conditions with the increase in unemployment, both government-related factors such as reduced government investment in strategies to control the incidence of tuberculosis, reduced access to health facilities. The presence of increased bacterial resistance to available treatments is also important when observing the possibility of treatment failure. Conclusion: Therefore, the fluctuation in case results must be analyzed carefully, with a slight reduction in notifications being expected during the pandemic, followed by an increase in cases post-pandemic. To try to alleviate this scenario, there is a need to reinforce investment in control strategies against tuberculosis and facilitate access to treatment.


Tuberculosis, Pandemic, Difficulties.

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Inequality of Opportunities. Inferences from Feminine Electoral Financing in MS-Brazil in 2022

Vieira Terenzi, Gabriel


The paper delves into the issue of insufficient female political representation in Brazil, a concern acknowledged both nationally and globally. It empirically examines the landscape of equal opportunities in financing female candidates during the 2022 elections in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The research investigates whether mechanisms designed to promote equal opportunities for female candidates fall short in practice. The hypothesis is that data cross-referencing will reveal the inadequacy of institutional policies, given the low number of female candidates and their limited success rate. The study relies on publicly available data and adopts a deductive methodology to analyze electoral statistics and financial data. The results highlight the stark underrepresentation of women in Brazilian politics. The research argues for the importance of the principle of equal opportunities in electoral competition and its constitutional grounding. It also discusses the impact of economic power on campaigns and the need for measures to ensure inclusive funding. The conclusion is that despite legal and constitutional provisions, there is a persistent gender disparity in political representation and financing.


Equality of opportunities, feminine candidacies, electoral funding, brazilian election, empirical data.

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Optimizing Production Mix: Case Study of Independent Saleswoman in Belo Horizonte

Valadares de Sá, Vanessa Aparecida – 1


The significant increase in self-employment in Brazil, particularly in the food sector, highlights the importance of exploring the application of advanced operational research techniques. These techniques aim not only to improve the performance of self-employed workers but also to quantify the manufacturing costs of their products and maximize their profits. Furthermore, given the complexity of the market and the constantly changing demands, it is essential to rely on effective analytical methods to guide decisions related to production and management of autonomous businesses. In this context, the present study utilizes a comprehensive bibliographic framework to underpin the creation and optimization of a mathematical model tailored to the specifics of a self-employed candy vendor in the Belo Horizonte region. Through linear programming techniques, the aim is not only to define a production mix that maximizes profits but also to identify efficient strategies to address market challenges and ensure the long-term sustainability of the enterprise.


Linear Programming; production mix; simplex; profit maximization.

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Analysis of Reverse Logistics in Brazil

Valadares de Sá, Vanessa Aparecida – 2


In an increasingly competitive and complex business environment, logistics has evolved considerably, expanding to encompass all activities related to physical and information flows within the supply chain. In this context, Reverse Logistics emerges as a crucial strategy for companies to address challenges such as increasing volumes of solid waste and raw material shortages, offering significant opportunities to add value to customers and promote sustainable practices. This article aims to elucidate fundamental concepts of reverse logistics and highlight key recycled materials in Brazil through a thorough literature review. Thus, reverse logistics plays an essential role in manufacturing various products, supported by promising technologies that aid recycling efforts in the country, integrating logistics networks across all business stages from planning to final disposition, which is critical for implementing sustainable and efficient waste reduction projects.


Reverse logistics, sustainability, economy.

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Effectiveness of Humanities Research using AI: Testing the tools for text processing

Valverde Costa, Nicolas


The advent of Artificial Intelligence has introduced significant changes in numerous fields, including those within the humanities. The integration of digital tools has revolutionized research processes by offering new methods for idea creation, material location and archiving, project preparation, text analysis, and dissemination. This article evaluates the effectiveness of AI tools for text processing in humanities research, focusing on the potential for these tools to enhance the efficiency and integrity of academic endeavors. Through a methodology that juxtaposes manual analysis with AI-assisted processes, this study systematically investigates a range of free AI tools, examining their strengths and weaknesses, and performs a SWOT analysis to assess their application within humanities research contexts. Using thematic articles relating to teamwork and team roles as the basis for this study, the research navigates through a sevenstep strategy, from concept grouping to the construction of text, highlighting both conceptual connections and standalone ideas. The outcome of this exploration is a carefully considered deliberation on the reliability of these tools, taking into account their limitations, including ethical
implications, while also emphasizing their considerable benefits. The findings indicate that despite the constraints of free versions, AI tools can be valuable and reliable aids for humanities scholars, supporting their research goals while also underscoring the necessity for a responsible approach to their use.


AI tools, Humanities, Text processing.

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Tax Systems and Administrative Courts: A Comparative Analysis of Brazil vs. Czech Republic

Vasconcellos Lazzarini, Maria Júlia


Taxation and administrative justice systems play essential roles in shaping the socio-economic world stage, reflecting the complex interplay between legal frameworks, institutional structures, and societal values. This article analyzes tax systems and administrative courts in Brazil and the Czech Republic, exploring divergent approaches to taxation, enforcement, and dispute resolution within contrasting legal and cultural landscapes. Through a critical evaluation of Brazil’s federative tax model, the analysis reveals the tensions between regional autonomy and centralized regulation, underscoring challenges in tax enforcement and dispute resolution. Even before the Federal Fiscal Administrative Court (Fisco), which was created to offer potential solutions, the reliance on judicial intervention points to the need for enhanced administrative capacity and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, due to the slowness and inefficiency demonstrated by this system, since, in most cases, the tax credit is not satisfied, and the State spends a lot more money than it collects. Conversely, exploring the Czech
Republic’s tax system, unveils a cohesive approach to tax collection and enforcement, bolstered by procedural clarity and judicial oversight through the structure of tax administration institutions, ranging from Tax Offices to the Czech Supreme Administrative Court, which work together to inspect tax matters and review tax procedures to create an efficient and effective system of tax collection.


International Comparison of Tax Systems; Administrative Courts; Tax Administration.

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Enhancing Data Quality: Customer Data Cleansing and Unification ETL in a Brazilian Healthcare Company

Vaz de Melo Oliveira, Diógenes


This paper presents a detailed account of the data cleansing and unification process implemented in the customer database of a prominent Brazilian healthcare company. Focused on enhancing data quality, the study begins with an overview of data cleansing principles and the significance of accurate customer data in the healthcare industry. Leveraging a structured ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) approach, the methodology involved comprehensive analysis of the customer dimension table, revealing numerous inconsistencies and errors. Utilizing tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), and Apache Spark, cleansing transformations were applied to address issues ranging from special characters to data validation errors. Additionally, a Python algorithm was developed to address the unification of customer records, aiming to mitigate duplicate entries. The outcomes include the creation of a refined customer dimension table and a table containing suggested unifications, which serve as valuable resources for the company’s data management and decision-making. Furthermore, the study discusses opportunities for improvement, particularly in the scalability and performance of the data processing environment, suggesting migration to a cloud computing service for enhanced efficiency. This study underscores the importance of systematic data cleansing and unification processes in improving data integrity, ultimately enhancing customer experiences in the healthcare sector.


ETL, Customer Data, Data Cleansing, Data Unification.

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Biosynthesis of xanthan gum from nutrients extracted from sugar cane bagass

Vicentino Mayrink, Daniela


Xanthan gum, a microbial polysaccharide produced by certain strains of bacteria from the genus Xanthomonas, is recognized for its thickening and stabilizing properties in a variety of industrial applications. Therefore, the aim of this study was to produce and characterize xanthan gum using sucrose derived from sugar cane bagasse. The product was characterized in terms of viscosity, viscometric analysis of molar mass, and thermogravimetric analysis. Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) tests were conducted to measure whether the amount of sugar available in the culture medium was sufficient for the growth of the microorganism and the production of the desired product. Additionally, throughout the experimental process, specific methods were employed to purify the final product, achieving not only an optimum yield but also a high degree of purity. The results obtained were in line with data previously reported in the literature, resulting in an average yield of 2.23 g/L. Furthermore, the characterization carried out demonstrated the purity of the gum produced and the efficiency of the production process.


Xanthan gum; Biopolymers; Bioprocesses.

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Influence of organisational feedback culture in career development through learning processes

Vidigal Dolabella, Clara


The article discusses different elements for establishing a strong feedback culture and its positive outcomes for career development of employees, by summarising different authors and their theoretical knowledge with practical observations that come from working experiences and market studies of the field. Feedback is shown to be linked to career success, and it plays an essential role to the learning process, contributing for skills development and
performance improvement of employees. A strong feedback culture represents benefits for both workers and organisations, therefore should be intrinsic to the company’s values and objectives, and well implemented in the performance management cycle, so it becomes a routine process. But its implementation must count on both organisational and individual level practices, such as feedback orientation and feedback-seeking behaviour. And one of the best strategic management frameworks to invest in a feedback culture is through learning  organisations, where its purpose of collective learning is done through constant feedback.


Feedback culture, career development, learning organisations.

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Industrial heritage in Brazil and their legacy: from abandonment to recovery

Vieira Francelino, Daniela


The process of deindustrialization in Brazil led to the abandonment of various
industrial structures and heritage sites, which ended up becoming dangerous abandoned
spaces. This article focuses on the importance of recognizing industrial buildings as part of the
country’s historical heritage, highlighting their significant contribution to understanding the
history and evolution of Brazilian society. To illustrate this importance, this article mentions
successful examples of rehabilitation and reuse of old factories, such as SESC Pompeia and the
Bhering Factory, along with an analysis of the abandonment of the Dom Pedro II Docks
Warehouse. These cases serve as inspiration and a model for future initiatives aimed at
preserving and recovering Brazil’s industrial heritage, demonstrating both cultural and
economic benefits for contemporary society.


Industrial heritage, Industrial decay, Heritage recovery, Industrial space reuse, Brazilian industrial heritage.

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The Protected and Underutilized Industrial Heritage of Ouro Preto from the XVIII to XX Centuries

Vieira Martins, Martinelly


This paper aims to demonstrate the significance of Ouro Preto’s industrial heritage
from the XVIII to XX Centuries. For this purpose, information from the Inventory of the Ouro
Preto Cultural Heritage conducted by the Ouro Preto Municipal Government from 2006 to 2011
was used. For research methods a mixed-methodology was utilized, combining quantitative and
qualitative approaches. Initially, items from the Inventory list were selected, based on the
definition of industrial heritage presented in the Nizhny Tagil Charter (2003) and supported by
renowned authors. Subsequently, data was organized into spreadsheets and pie charts were
elaborated to identify the characteristics of Ouro Preto’s industrial heritage. Then, the quantity
of industrial heritage items in Ouro Preto, in addition to their legal protection status and their
current usage were determined. The conclusions reveal that the town has significant traces of
industrial heritage from the XVIII Century, related primarily to the Gold Mining Cycle, followed
by the railway heritage. While the majority of Ouro Preto’s industrial heritage is protected,
particularly in urban areas, most of them remains underutilized. Insights from readings and
conversations with an expert and a mine owner suggest that the reasons for the existing
industrial heritage being underused are the challenges of adapting them for a new use and the
absence of public policies in tourism areas.


Industrial heritage, Ouro Preto, Gold Mining Cycle, Railway heritage, Adaptive reuse, Cultural heritage safeguarding.

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Bird Behavior: Rural vs. Urban Turdus leucomelas Prey Interaction

Violante Ptasznik, Sonia


Rural and urban environments differed in various aspects with consequences for characteristics related to the behavior of diverse animal groups. However, little was known about the extent to which this behavioral differentiation between rural and urban populations was acquired or inherited, and how these differences might affect complex behaviors, such as the recognition of conspicuous patterns in potential prey. With this in mind, this study aimed to assess whether there was a difference in the predisposition to interact with conspicuous artificial prey between Thrush Bird (Turdus leucomelas) originating from rural and urban environments and raised under controlled captive conditions since the nestling stage. Thirty Thrushes were captured between their 6th and 10th day of life in seven municipalities of São Paulo State and hand-reared as part of another research project, with 18 from the urban areas and 12 from the rural areas. For this study, cryptic and conspicuous artificial prey were
produced, thus evaluating whether certain individuals of thrushes would be more prone to attack conspicuous prey than others. The hypotheses tested addressed whether 1) there was a difference in the interaction time and number of pecks of thrushes with cryptic and conspicuous prey, and if they reacted innately, and 2) thrushes from urban areas were more likely to peck at the conspicuous artificial prey. Finally, we found no differences in the behavior of individuals from rural and urban environments and concluded that our study species had no innate
avoidance of conspicuous prey.


Urbanization. Foraging. Focal observation. Thrush. Caterpillar.

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