Have a look at the UNIGOU Publications developed by students participating in the INCBAC academic programs:

Limitations and Challenges of Magnesium Alloy Stents

Galeazzi Oliveira, Luiza


Magnesium is a biomaterial that was already used in the past, but its usage as cardiovascular stents is very new in the market. As a result, there are still limitations on its usage. After extensive research, the main problems identified with these types of alloys were linked to the fact that there are still not enough studies on this novel stent. Its fast degradation is associated with biocompatibility issues, which is still discussed. The formation of hydrogen gas, magnesium ions and magnesium hydroxide as it degrades have been proven to be disadvantageous, since it has been linked to the formation of gas pocket and the alkalinization of the local tissue, which makes it difficult for new cells to adhere. The mechanical properties of magnesium are also known to be poor, and although there are a lot of modifications that can be made to tackle these issues, they are usually in detriment of another important characteristic and hinders the manufacturing and quality control process. Magnesium has low tensile strength and ductility, making it a brittle material for stent making. The poor scaffolding properties results in the need of a thicker wall strut, which can cause repeat revascularization and severe vessel lumen loss. The fast and heterogenic corrosion and mechanical profile also makes its long-term efficacy questionable. There is still no identification of the risk factors and lesion types it is able to treat.


Magnesium alloy, stent, degradation, biocompatibility, mechanical properties, long-term.

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Anti-Ulcer Action of Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis: Review of Articles Published in 2021

Gomes Gameiro, Beatriz


This mini- review was conducted with the purpose of gathering information, of articles published throughout the year of 2021, about the therapeutic properties that Hibiscus rosa-sinenis L. triggers in cases of gastrointestinal ulcers, a disease mainly caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
New antibiotics are needed for H. pylori, because of the rising antimicrobial resistance that the world is facing right now, and so, medicinal plants are on the scope to solve that matter. The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis has presented many therapeutic attributions over the past years, there were antibacterial properties found in the flowers and anti-inflammatory activities in the leafs, with that in mind, this medicinal plant must be a promising way to anti- ulcer treatments. Herbal/ traditional medicine is been widely used in the West asia for centuries, as for example the chinese medicine, and now, the eastern medicine is trying to catch up with this knowledge that can be so enriching, especially if we can substitute the synthetic for the natural. Every year thousands of papers are published on the same subjects, hence the importance of review papers, which study articles on related subjects and make an overview, highlighing some parts of each one.


Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, ulcer, medical plants, anti-inflammatory potencial.

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Planning an EDM Model for Continuing Teacher Education

Gomes Mendes, Débora Suzane


The constant advances in scientific research in the area of Artificial Intelligence have proposed new and innovative adaptive learning processes, tutors and intelligent systems, data mining, among others, which impact educational practices and research. All these factors encourage an exponential increase in the volume of educational data that can support decision-making in various aspects of educational institutions and public policies, especially in the continuing education of basic education teachers, which is one of the main demands of education. current. This study sought to identify the elements that could compose a proposal for planning an EDM model to help decision-making in the organization of personalized continuing education e-learning courses for basic education teachers in the Brazilian context. The problem of the study questioned which elements make up a proposal for an EDM model to support decision-making in the planning of e-learning courses for the continuing education of basic education teachers in the Brazilian context? From bibliographical research, the results indicate that research on EDM aimed at the continuing education of teachers in basic education in Brazil is incipient, so that there are several gaps in the study area and the need for further discussions on this theme in the scenario of scientific research. Existing research focuses on identifying the prediction of the profile of students who drop out of e-learning or face-to-face courses, however, several authors have been identified who indicate an EDM application taxonomy that can be used for the organization of e-learning courses for continuing education for basic education.


EDM, artificial Intelligence, model, continuing education, teachers.

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Analysis of a Low-Cost Sensor for Particulate Matter Monitoring

Gonçalves Dias Chaves, Marianna


The present work was developed based on the necessity to ensure the air quality monitoring in places where there is a lack and difficulty of implementation due to the high cost of monitoring stations. The SDS011 sensor and the Beta BAM1020 attenuation monitor were used to evaluate the concentration of particulate matter. Duplicates of the sensor were used in the monitoring site for comparison with the equipment, and to evaluate the readings and the association with temperature and humidity data according to hourly and daily averages. Weak correlations were obtained, with R² maximum value equal to 0.38, and a variable behavior of readings estimation of the low-cost sensor in relation to the reference equipment, evaluated from the regression lines and the calculation of bias errors, which suffered influence from abruptly high values. The precision was evaluated based on the coefficient of variation, with a maximum value of 43%, and the maximum data completeness suffered a decrease due to energy losses at the monitoring site, reaching a maximum value of 59%.


Air quality monitoring, particulate matter, low cost sensor.

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Eco-Friendly Engineering: Geopolymer Materials in Marine Construction

Gonzaga de Souza, Caroline


The construction industry plays a vital role in the country’s economic growth but faces numerous obstacles, including environmental impact. Traditional materials, such as Portland cement, have limited applications in marine construction due to their vulnerability to corrosion attacks in harsh marine environments. Therefore, there is increasing demand for long-lasting, corrosion-resistant materials that can withstand extreme marine environment conditions. Geopolymer materials are a promising alternative as they possess mitigating properties to the shortcomings of conventional building materials and have thus been studied over the years with significant improvements since their discovery in the late 1970s. Geopolymers are inorganic, amorphous, and typically ceramic-like materials formed by the chemical reaction of source materials with alkaline activators. They have lower CO2 emissions during production, require less water, and have superior mechanical properties superior to those of traditional cement-based materials. This literature review aims to investigate durable geopolymer materials that can be used in marine infrastructure works and their advantages over conventional materials.
The methodology involved searching major publication databases and other relevant sources to gather articles related to the topic. The risk of bias was evaluated using the ROBIS tool to ensure the review was comprehensive, systematic, and unbiased. The paper is divided into several sections after the research methodology that discuss the geopolymerization process, the characteristics of alkaline activators used in geopolymer synthesis, the properties of geopolymer materials, and case studies of geopolymer materials used and tested in marine conditions. The paper also discusses the limitations of the studies reviewed and outlines possible solutions. Finally, the review findings are summarized in the conclusion.


Marine infrastructure, Portland cement, Geopolymer concrete, Compressive strength, Chloride resistance.

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3D Printing Pump Tracks: Improving the Layer to Layer Adhesion through Crystallization Studies

Gouvea de Souza, Mariana


Pump tracks, structures that resemble skate parks, have been 3D printed by ICycle, using rPETG and the Fused Depositing Modeling. They, however, did not present an expected working life, breaking early due to a poor layer to layer adhesion. To improve their performance, the use of glass fiber reinforced PP and SmartAgain® was studied, with two different printing speeds and a previously developed lab scale model, focusing on the crystallization process during printing. The mechanical performance and the glass fiber alignment of the samples were also studied. It was seen that, for both materials, the half-time crystallization curve did not intercept the printing temperature profile, suggesting that crystallization is not completed in the first depositing of material. There is, then, a chance that post-crystallization will occur between the layers. Regarding mechanical properties, SmartAgain® presented a more ductile behaviour, a lower E-modulus and a higher maximum strain, besides deforming more before breaking, making it possibly a suitable material for 3D printing the pump tracks. Polypropylene reinforced with 20% of glass fiber was not recommended for the desired application, since the attempt to print bigger samples with it failed due to warping. Both printing speeds led to similar results, without any significant difference for the tensile and bending tests. The alignment of the fibers could be analysed through SEM, showing that the samples presented isotropy. The mechanical performance for the parallel direction was improved by the fibers, meanwhile for the perpendicular direction they did not show any improvement.


3D printing, Additive manufacturing, Fused depositing modelling, Pump tracks, Layer to layer adhesion, Crystallization, Avrami equation, Polypropylene, Polyamide, Glass fibers.

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Brazilian Scientific Production: Emerging Epistemologies, Ontologies and Value Systems

Guanabara Neves, Daniel


There are a growing number of counter-hegemonic Brazilian scientific productions. The gradual process of decolonization of Brazilian universities, a result of the struggle of social movements, has opened space for researchers to present alternatives for scientific production. In this paper we will work with the hypothesis that there is a significant number of Brazilian academic works that seek to detach themselves from hegemonic theories based on new alternatives of epistemologies, ontologies and value systems. To support it, we point to ten works that use emerging epistemologies and ontologies and value systems to formulate conceptions and theories about socially marginalized groups.


Decolonization; emerging epistemologies; counter-hegemonic theories; marginalized groups.

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A Review of Existing Design Principles for Fish-Friendly Hydro Turbines

Guglielmin Becker, Álvaro


Freshwater fish whose migration course is blocked by a hydroelectric power plant often pass through the turbine rather than through safer passageways in their effort to reach the tailrace. As such, they are often subjected to harmful interactions with the turbine mechanism, which can result in injuries or death. This study investigated the main causes of injury to fish in these conditions, and existing design solutions to mitigate these harmful effects, through a literature review. It was found that the main mechanisms for fish injury are strikes against moving and stationary parts, grinding from being stuck in small gaps, decompression from sudden pressure shifts, shock waves from gas bubbles, deformation from shear stress, and disorientation from turbulence. Additionally, fish size and species are two of the most important factors for their survivability, and must be taken into account for the specific river where a turbine is set to be installed. The main existing design proposals for fish-friendly Kaplan and Francis turbines which seek to mitigate these issues are the reduction of gaps between the runner blades and both the hub and turbine housing; the reduction of gaps between stay vanes and wicket gates; a decrease in blade count and consequent creation of more space for fish passage; and turbines with controllable rotational speed and guide vane angles, to allow for operation in the maximum efficiency range, with minimum pressure change and turbulence.


Fish-friendly turbine, fish mortality, hydropower, fish passage, state of the art.

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Preparing for Post-conflict Reconciliation: The Case of Amnesties in Light of Article 17 (1)(C) Of the Rome Statute

Guimarães Carrijo, Augusto


The present article discusses the case of transitional amnesties before the International Criminal Court. Transitional Amnesties are a tool used by States facing transitional periods in order to ease the change into a new system at the end of a conflict, aiming at establishing peace and reconciliation. It is discussed how could these amnesties be read in light of article 17.1.c of the Rome Statute. According to this article, a case is inadmissible when the person concerned has already been tried for conduct that is the subject of the complaint. Under the present text, a legal analysis is developed both with regard to the elements of article 17.1.c and the matter of the legality of granting amnesties in the event of grave crimes against humanity. It is concluded that, even though international law seems to point out in the direction that this type of amnesty is outlawed, the International Criminal Court is still reluctant to issue a final conclusion on the matter.


Amnesties; International Criminal Court; Transitional Justice; Ne bis in idem.

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Belo Monte: A Macro View on Environmental and Social Impacts at Pará

Guimarăes do Nascimento, Laryssa


This paper aims to analyze the social and ambiental impacts which came from the construction of Belo Monte hydroelectric in Pará State, Brazil. Despite the discourse of governments authorities about the development that this hydroelectric would bring to the region, in practice, according to the literature review, other points can be demonstrated, such as the impact of Belo Monte’s plant on social groups and the resettlement that they were subjected to. Moreover, the approach given by the government to the ambiental consequences and especially for the community was, still, analyzed by human rights authorities, as the Interamerican Court of Human Rights. In the article, the main points of view on the topic addressed were highlighted and explained, taking into account the motivations of each interested party. According to the point of view presented, the intention was not to solve these issues, but analyze the
main points vinculated with the social groups impacted by the construction and the ambiental damages, as there is still much to be taken into account, which adds to the complexity of the subject. This demonstrated objective was to impartially show the different points opposed, thus opening precedents for questions still unanswered. In conclusion to the work, it was based on the occurrence of EIA (Ambiental Impact Study – Estudo de Impacto Ambiental) and its effort (or lack of it) to contemplating all the aspects that should be analyzed, such as the recognition of each social group affected and also the environmental areas flooded or damaged with the drought of the alteration of the river course.


Belo Monte. Hydroelectric. Social impact. Ambiental impact. Human rights.

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Discrepancy Between Public and Private Education: Deficiency in Brazilian Science Education

Gularte Rosa, Mariana Regina


This article explains how Brazilian education still functions in a capitalist way, the text explains how the education of the poorest is inferior to the education of the richest and most affluent populations, a brief history that shows how science education was established in the Brazilian school curriculum, and finally the article exposes the contradictions found during the comparison between three public schools and two private schools in the city of Diadema located in São Paulo (Brazil). The main means of research used was the Internet.


Schools, teaching, education, science, infrastructure.

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Effects of Virtual Reality on Balance Training in Pacients with Parkinson's Disease: A Review Study

Gadelha Barbosa, Nicole


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease which cause is unknown. The clinical manifestations are related to motor symptoms such as bradykinesia, dystonia, tremor and postural balance disorder, and non-motor symptoms such as cognitive decline and depression. Therapy associated with virtual reality (VR) creates a safe and playful environment to achieve therapeutic objectives. The objective of this review was to evaluate the effects of using VR on balance training of PD patients. This is a bibliographic review study with searches in the Pubmed database, the descriptors used were: Virtual Reality AND Balance AND Multiple Sclerosis. Complete articles in the last five years were included, with a population of individuals with PD, who underwent VR therapy to improve postural balance. In total, 120 results were obtained, and with the application of search filters, 91 articles remained. After reading the titles, 20 studies remained for further reading. Of these, 8 were excluded because they did not meet the eligibility criteria, such as uncompleted study, paid articles or not achieving the review objectives, being included 12 articles for quantitative analysis. Most of them were composed by randomised controlled trial. Of the selected articles, 6 presented exergames as VR technology. The 6 articles left shows other types of VR technology were found in the present study. Such technologies found were: Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN); Motek C-Mill; V-Gait; NIRVANA. VR training is effective in gaining balance in patients with PD, improving cognitive-motor performance and self-confidence when compared to conventional training alone, thus generating good acceptance by the patient and greater adherence to treatment. It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to assess the patient’s level of functionality to implement this type of therapy.


Virtual reality, Parkinson, Balance.

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Comparative Study of Fertilizer Production Processes Using Nanocarbon

Garcia Castilho, Valentina


The contemporary landscape of agricultural research has been notably marked by a burgeoning interest in the manifold advantages offered by nanotechnology. Noteworthy among these advancements is the integration of nanocarbon within fertilizers, a venture that has exhibited promising outcomes. Remarkably, China has emerged as a vanguard in the realm of Nanofertilizer development, underscoring its commitment to pioneering innovative agricultural solutions. This current study undertakes a comprehensive and in-depth analysis, focusing on a comparative evaluation of fertilizer production methodologies that incorporate nanocarbon. Specifically, the patents CN102206124 and CN102816003 take center stage in this scrutiny. A meticulous dissection of these processes encompasses an assessment of their respective merits, demerits, converging features, and points of divergence. Evidently, the prospect of bolstering agricultural productivity through the strategic integration of nanoparticle-infused fertilizers holds substantial promise. However, it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge the paucity of comprehensive investigations regarding the potential ecotoxicological ramifications of these nanoparticulate agents. While the promise of heightened crop yield beckons, a cautious and deliberative approach is indispensable, grounded in a thorough comprehension of the potential ecological repercussions associated with these pioneering interventions. In light of these considerations, it becomes clear that further research is imperative to unravel the intricate dynamics underpinning the nexus between nanotechnology-facilitated agricultural practices and the broader ecological framework. This, in turn, will empower stakeholders to make informed and responsible choices, thereby harnessing the full potential of these innovative strides to usher in a new era of sustainable agricultural progress.


Nanofertilizer, Agriculture, Toxicity, Patent.

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Pharmacogenetics Related to Classical Antidepressants

Gollo Bertollo, Amanda


Pharmacogenetics represents an important field to be considered in the search for personalized medical treatments, gaining prominence in the response to antidepressants due to the remarkable variability in patient reactions and the high resistance rate to these classic treatments. Pharmacogenetics analyzes the effects of specific genes on drug response. In the case of antidepressants, pharmacogenetics looks at how particular genes can influence how the body processes these medications. Variations in genes related to drug metabolism are identified in people using classic antidepressants, such as in the CYP450 enzymatic system, which plays a crucial role in the metabolization of antidepressants. CYP450 genetic variations can control the speed and efficiency of metabolization, affecting the effective concentration in the blood and, thus, the response to treatment. Genetic variations in neurotransmitters and their transporters influence different reactions in each individual, especially serotonin and noradrenaline, which are closely related to mood regulation and the main targets of classic antidepressants. Genetic variations in the genes of these neurotransmitters and their transporters can impact the response to pharmacological treatment. Despite the promises of pharmacogenetics in personalized medicines, ethical issues and ongoing research are essential for practical and responsible application. This review addresses pharmacogenetics in the effect of classical antidepressants, focusing on variations in the CYP450 system and neurotransmitters and their transporters.


Pharmacogenetics,  antidepressants, depression, genes.

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Study of the Development of a 3D Printed Bag

Gonçallo, Ysabella Regina


The project aimed to study the design and development process of a 3D printed bag. The research adopted a qualitative and applied approach, focusing on the detailed description of the creation process of 3D printed bags. The literature review revealed the growing relevance of 3D printing in the fashion industry, highlighting its applications and benefits. The discussions encompassed the initial three phases of product development, namely Planning, Concept Development, and System-level Design. The project’s results provided a comprehensive insight into the development process of 3D printed bags, identifying challenges related to the accuracy and detailing of the foam board maquette and the realistic representation of materials used in actual 3D printed bags. Creating sketches and prototypes proved to be a useful approach for visualising and communicating bag designs before full-scale production, although the consideration of alternative materials or prototyping techniques could enhance the accuracy of the maquettes.


3D printing; Design product; Bag; Prototype, Product development.

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The Effectiveness of the Roles Envisioned by Agile Scrum and XP Methodologies

Gonçalves Bueno, Allan


This article presents a brief history of the emergence of agile methodologies showing the importance of the roles of agile methodologies in the development of software using Scrum and XP, to verify that the established roles in agile methodologies Scrum and XP are applied in companies in the same way that they are proposed in academic circles, aiming to verify which main divergences between these two visions and how they can complement each other. He was Bibliographical, descriptive, and field research was carried out with fourteen people who work in the area of information technology in the public service, and who have knowledge or who work with agile development, were used to verify if in practice the roles of the agile methodologies Scrum and XP are applied by the theory. Questionnaires in Google Forms and the Likert scale were used.


Agile Methodologies, Theory and Practice, XP, Scrum.

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Interactions Between REST/Co-REST and LSD1/HDAC1/SIN3A/FOXK2 Complexes in Tumors

Gonzalez Massens, Daniel Alexandre


RE1-silencing transcription factor (REST) is an encoded protein member of the Kruppel-type zinc finger transcription factor family. Depending on the tissue, variations in REST concentrations can result in different diseases. Proteins as LSD1, HDAC1, SIN3A and FOXK2 form different complexes with REST and CoREST and they can even interact with each other. In Prostate cancer, LSD1 inhibition can markedly decrease Protein Kinase B phosphorylation, known as AKT. Histone Deacetylase protein (HDAC1) have the function of catalyze the acetylation of lysine residues on the N- terminal of the core histones.   The experiments suggest that Retinoblastoma protein (Rb) can recruit HDAC1 and cooperate to suppress the E2F-regulated promoter of the gene. In addition to the regulatory function of SIN3A in cortical neuron differentiation, it’s been identified that by forming a complex with HADC1 it can act as a suppressor of STAT3 transcriptional activity. In hepatocellular carcinoma FOXK2 knockdown can inhibit the proliferation, colony formation, migration an invasion of HCC cells. The machinery and the pathway will be determined by the type of tumor, the tissue that it is located and the type of target cell. The importance of studying these complexes seems to be the best way to better understand cancer physiopathology and to help develop new drugs that can reach these tumors without affecting functional cells.



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Waste Management in Brazilian Universities: A Case Study of Maringa State University

Guidolin dos Santos, Joao Pedro


This article presents a comprehensive case study on waste management at the State University of Maringá (UEM) in Brazil. It addresses the pressing concerns surrounding environmental sustainability and the escalating waste generation within educational institutions, necessitating the implementation of effective waste management strategies. This case study primarily focuses on UEM’s initiative to establish a holistic reverse logistics system, aiming not only to minimize its environmental footprint but also to foster sustainability within its academic community. This study approaches the specific waste streams targeted for inclusion in the reverse logistics system, including electronic waste, paper, plastics, and other materials. Furthermore, it highlights the significance of strategic partnerships forged with manufacturers and recycling organizations, underscoring the collaborative efforts required for successful waste diversion. In addition, this case study examines the substantial impact of educational outreach and awareness campaigns conducted within the university community. These initiatives have played a pivotal role in instilling responsible waste disposal practices among students, faculty, and staff. By taking proactive measures to manage waste effectively, the State University of Maringá aspires to serve as a model for sustainable waste management practices within educational institutions. The insights and outcomes presented in this case study serve as a valuable resource for other universities and organizations embarking on similar sustainability journeys.


Waste management, reverse logistics, sustainability, educational institutions, environmental impact.

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Memory, Industrial Heritage and the Textile Workforce in South of Brazil: A Statistical Study

Guimarães Vargas Gonçalves, Claudiâni


This article aims to present the textile industrial structure, by size, and the arrangement of the workforce with regard to schooling and gender in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, Brazil, from 1985 to 2021, through an study which seeks in the research documental the source of data, and descriptive statistics, the aid for their treatment. This search will approach the concepts of industrial heritage and cultural assets, conceptualising, in general terms, the theoretical definitions, relating them to the field of memory and its aspects, as well as presenting the analysis of the data originating from the methodological course carried out on this occasion.


Industrial Heritage, Memory, Textile Industry, Workforce.

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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Adults and Its Relation with Stress/Anxiety

Gullo de Oliveira Ribeiro, Antônio Vitor - 1


Mental factors such as pressure, emotional states, health response, or personal traits are acknowledged to have a major influence the intensity of manifestations in gastric-esophageal reflux condition.  The aim of the present study was to highlight the relationship among stress, psychological traits associated with acid reflux and perceptions of reflux symptoms. Two studies were used to analyze the relationship between reflux and anxiety. A retrospective transversal, made by Ji Min Choi, and another prospective, made by Xiao-Jun Yang. Both provided details about this association, in addition to highlighting the importance of endoscopic examination to identify reflux disease. Finally, this close conection between esophageal reflux disease and anxiety needs to be further explored, so that the guidelines may include a holistic treatment for GERD, improving the quality of life in patients affected by it.


Reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease, proton pump inhibitors super endoscopy, mental health, stress, anxiety, depression, GERD.

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From a Student’s View, Emotional and Physical Distress Induced by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Gullo de Oliveira Ribeiro, Antônio Vitor - 2


Social structures were challenged and reshaped with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. The educational institutions to be assessed in this article, high school, and college, as structures for primary and higher education, respectively, were also affected. However, Brazil’s longstanding social inequalities did not impact any other area as directly as education. Distance Learning, in Portuguese “Ensino à Distância” (EAD), the principal teaching tool used at the time, confronts socioeconomic barriers. Thus, the mental and physical complications that arose in students, as a direct byproduct of forced isolation, span various areas, including the inability to cope with the expectations created by themselves and their families during the tumultuous period of completing high school and taking entrance exams. Therefore, students need to be listened to, as a matter of utmost importance, so we, as a society, can understand the origins of their stress, considering that during the pandemic period, over 48 million students ceased attending the regular face-to-face activities of the pre-pandemic period (GRANDSIOLI et al, 2020) [1].


COVID-19 education, distance learning, emotional distress, physical distress.

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Alteration and Rehabilitation of Public Spaces of Original Settlements in the Metropolitan Environment of Campinas

Gida Correia, Amanda


This article explores the intricate relationship between urbanization, cultural preservation, and public spaces in Brazil, focusing on Campinas as a case study. Rapid urban growth has led to the erosion of cultural identity and public spaces, prompting questions about the preservation of cultural heritage amidst urbanization. Campinas, known for its diverse districts and distinctive “village” atmosphere, serves as a compelling case study in this context. Through a comprehensive approach including a literature review and a case study centered on the original settlement of Barao Geraldo within Campinas, the research highlights the challenges facing cultural preservation efforts in Brazil and demonstrates the importance of preserving public spaces in enhancing cultural identity and quality of life for residents. Despite challenges such as resistance to participation in surveys, insights gained from the questionnaire provide valuable understanding of visitor demographics and perceptions. In conclusion, initiatives aimed at preserving public spaces play a crucial role in safeguarding cultural heritage and maintaining the unique identity of cities amidst rapid urbanization.


Public spaces, preservation, Campinas, Praça do Coco, original settlements, historic.

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Microalgae Bioremediation and Biorefinery for sustainable production of high-value-added products: A Brief Review

Gomes Machado, Marcos


Conventional wastewater treatment methods often struggle to effectively remove hazardous, recalcitrant, and emerging contaminants. In addition, these methods are notorious for not utilizing the full spectrum of nutrients present in the waste stream. These problems are addressed by the integration of microalgal bioremediation, which not only efficiently utilizes each nutrient, but also treats the wastewater to produce biofuels and value-added products. The robust and efficient metabolism of microalgae enables simultaneous pollutant removal and biomass growth. In addition, microalgae serve as a sustainable feedstock for biorefinery applications, which work together for an integrative approach using bioremediation and biorefinery to increase the financial feasibility of the plant. This increase occurs because the key challenges facing biorefineries are the excessive cost of operation and significant consumption of fresh water. However, by using nutrient-rich wastewater for microalgal cultivation, these challenges can be mitigated. This integrated approach of bioremediation and biorefinery not only facilitates pollutant removal and resource recovery, but also enables the production of energy and high-value products. As a result, it promotes a circular economy model and improves overall sustainability.


Microalgae, Bioremediation, Biorefinery, Bioenergy, Circular Economy.

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Human Papillomavirus in the Oncogenesis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: a Narrative Review

Gregório de Araújo Souza, Bárbarah


Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is characterized by being a tumor that affects the structures of the mouth, with risk factors including smoking, alcohol consumption, poor dietary habits, as well as genetic factors and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV, belonging to the Papillomaviridae family, has a non-enveloped structure, with its protein capsid containing a single molecule of double-stranded DNA. There are over 200 types of HPV described, classified as high and low oncogenic risk, with HPV-16 and HPV-18 being highly oncogenic types. The aim of this work is to associate SCC with positive HPV infection. This work is a narrative literature review, using scientific databases PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO, and INCA from 2015 to 2021. In conclusion, it was possible to verify that HPV-positive oral carcinoma is directly linked to unprotected sexual practices with or without associated alcohol and smoking, due to HPV being a virus primarily transmitted through sexual contact.


Human Papillomavirus, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Prevalence, Oral Cancer.

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Understanding Antibiotics Talk On Social Media: A Review Of Infodemiology Studies

Guedes de Almeida, Mylena Maria


Antibiotics are essential for treating infections, but their effectiveness faces a growing threat from antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Impactful communication via social media platforms is crucial in the battle against AMR. This study reviews infodemiology research regarding antibiotics and AMR on social media platforms to elucidate information dissemination patterns, identify key influencers, and assess the prevalence of misinformation. Infodemiology or Information Epidemiology, focusing on the determinants and distribution of health information and misinformation online, forms the basis of this investigation. Searching Embase, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library, a systematic review was conducted, including ten peer-reviewed studies. The collective dataset comprises 10,650,139 conversations, covering the period from 2009 to 2022, encompassing tweets, retweets, comments, videos, and posts. The findings underscore the significant influence of health news sources, healthcare professionals, and organizations in shaping these discussions. While many posts exhibit a solid understanding of appropriate antibiotic usage, misinformation persists. Even when misinformation was present in small proportions, it could reach millions of individuals. Social media offers opportunities to shape public perceptions and behaviors. Ensuring the dissemination of accurate and reliable information is imperative, given that even marginal levels of misinformation can impact a vast audience. By deciphering social media dialogues, healthcare practitioners and policymakers can formulate effective strategies to combat antibiotic misuse and advocate for responsible antibiotic utilization.


Antimicrobial stewardship, Antibiotics, Social media, Social networks, Information Epidemiology.

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Herding in Crypto-Economy: Green vs. Dirty Cryptos

Guimarães Farias Sodré, Vladimir


In this paper, we investigate the herding behaviour of cryptocurrencies, dividing them into two main groups: the clean (sustainable) cryptocurrencies and the dirty (non-sustainable) cryptocurrencies, classified according to their energy efficiency levels. The main goal of this work is to develop a preliminary study of the herding behaviour in the cryptocurrency industry. We used different models and methodologies in order to verify the existence of herding in the crypto market, and also to compare herding behaviours between the clean and the dirty cryptocurrencies. Our main questions are as follows. Is there herding in crypto? How do both markets (clean and dirty cryptos) compare in terms of herding effects? We used different methodologies and compared the results with the still early academic work in the area, since not many researchers studied the herding effects separately in the dirty and clean crypto segments. We used a five-year analysis period to study herding processes in the crypto market from 2017 to 2022. Our empirical results initially do not detect herding behaviour in both crypto markets, but with a deeper investigation, using a two-stage Markov-switching methodology, we verified the herding behaviour in the dirty cryptos and did not find herding behaviour in the clean crypto market. This result is consistent with the work by Lucey and Ren [9].


herding, cryptocurrencies, clean crypto, dirty crypto, Huber-White, Newey-West, Markov-switching, regime-switching, CSSD, CSAD.

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Effectiveness of Humanities Research using AI: Testing the tools for text processing

Guimarães Mielo, Eduardo


The advent of Artificial Intelligence has introduced significant changes in numerous fields, including those within the humanities. The integration of digital tools has revolutionized research processes by offering new methods for idea creation, material location and archiving, project preparation, text analysis, and dissemination. This article evaluates the effectiveness of AI tools for text processing in humanities research, focusing on the potential for these tools to enhance the efficiency and integrity of academic endeavors. Through a methodology that juxtaposes manual analysis with AI-assisted processes, this study systematically investigates a range of free AI tools, examining their strengths and weaknesses, and performs a SWOT analysis to assess their application within humanities research contexts. Using thematic articles relating to teamwork and team roles as the basis for this study, the research navigates through a sevenstep strategy, from concept grouping to the construction of text, highlighting both conceptual connections and standalone ideas. The outcome of this exploration is a carefully considered deliberation on the reliability of these tools, taking into account their limitations, including ethical
implications, while also emphasizing their considerable benefits. The findings indicate that despite the constraints of free versions, AI tools can be valuable and reliable aids for humanities scholars, supporting their research goals while also underscoring the necessity for a responsible approach to their use.


AI tools, Humanities, Text processing.

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Psychiatric Manifestations in the Context of Brain Neoplasm: A Literature Review

Hayakawa Serpa, Paula


 In certain cases, brain neoplasms are preceded or accompanied by psychiatric manifestations, including depression, anxiety, mood disorders, irritability, mania, hallucinations, among others. These symptoms can be caused by the biological activity of the tumor, the physical impact of the tumor, such as increased intracranial pressure, or could simply be a consequence of detection bias. Regardless of the etiology, some cases have reported a delay in tumor diagnosis due to the presence of such psychiatric manifestations. Therefore, this literature review aims to highlight key points from articles in the databases: Google Scholar, Scopus and PubMed, from the last five completed years (2018-2022), in order to synthetize the information published recently regarding the matter at hand. The studies remain inconclusive, however indicate that there might be an association between the psychiatric manifestations and brain neoplasms. Therefore, there is a strong need to further investigate these phenomena and invest in research that present improved diagnostic methods for early detection of brain tumors given psychiatric symptomatology.


Brain neoplasm, psychiatric manifestations.

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Effects of Mass Vaccination Against COVID-19 in Brazil

Henrique de Souza Sanches, Leonardo


This study investigated the effects of mass vaccination against the aggressive COVID-19 pandemic. The first case of this disease in Brazil occurred in February 2020, but vaccination campaigns only started in January 2021. Even with vaccination started almost a year after the beginning of the pandemic, they were efficient, reducing deaths by 74% in five months.


Brazil, Vaccine, Immunization, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2.

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