Have a look at the UNIGOU Publications developed by students participating in the INCBAC academic programs:

Patrimony Education in the Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia: A Review about the Memorial of Brazilian Medicine

Campelo Barbosa, Paula


This paper brings the memorial of one material heritage in the Historic Centre of Salvador, Bahia, a site recognized as an human patrimony listed by UNESCO. It aims to show how the memory of the building known as the Sede Mater of the University Federal of Bahia, the Faculty of Medicine, which was founded in 1808, as the first institution of higher education to operate in Brazil and the only to operate in the State of Bahia for decades, is serving today as a important space for non formal education. The building became a university museum, receiving the title of Memorial of Brazilian Medicine. This heritage museum has a vast artistic and documentary collection about national history, as well as an imposing building of eclectic architecture, responsible for the environmental preservation of the largest green area in the Historic Centre of Salvador, Bahia. The Memorial of Brazilian Medicine stands out among one of the possible paths to get to know the patrimony history and how this place played a leading role in Brazilian history by training teachers, scientists and national leaders who participated in political conflicts, technological, scientific and social advances. The Memorial of Brazilian Medicine is part of the Health Cultural Circuit and the socialisation of the present knowledge shows interdisciplinary gaps for research.


University, Museum, Interdisciplinary, Patrimony, Education.

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Chronotype, Personality, Personal Values and Mental Health: BIG 5, Depression, Stress and Anxiety

Candida Ferreira, Ana Julia


 It is well known that each human being feels more energized at a given time of day, and is more likely to learn, to relate, and to perform daily activities on those periods. Human’s circadian preferences as well as the search for its correlations with personality traits and personal values have gained extended interest in psychology research. In this study, we provide evidences that individual differences are correlated to personal values, dark triad traits and to the big five factors of personality. This study aimed to gather evidence of validity and accuracy of Dark Triad Dirty Dozen (DTDD). Therefore, two studies were performed. Study 1 consisted of 207 people from the general population who responded to the DTDD and the Five Great Personality Factors Inventory. A principal component analysis revealed a trifactorial structure: Machiavellianism (α = 0.85), narcissism (α = 0.84) and psychopathy (α = 0.72), where these were negatively correlated with kindness. In Study 2, 300 people from the general population who answered the DTDD participated. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the best fit was the bifactor model (e.g., CFI = 0.95; TLI = 0.92 and RMSEA = 0.07). It is concluded that this measure presents acceptable psychometric parameters, justifying its use for research purposes.


Chronotype, Mental Health, Personality.

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Judicial Activism and the New Legal Hermeneutics in Brazilian Supreme Court: Analysis of ADO 26 on Criminalization of Homotransphobia

Capani, Carolina


The purpose of this article is to analyze qualitatively Supremo Tribunal Federal’s (STF) Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade por Omissão (ADO) no. 26 decision, which introduced into the Brazilian legal system the crime of homotransphobia, in order to verify its potentially activist tendency. Our hypothesis is that the methodology of legal interpretation in Brazil currently goes through a time strongly marked by judicial activism and judicialization of politics, especially at the highest courts of Judiciary. We aim to demonstrate the hypothesis through a case study on the arguments and interpretation of STF in ADO 26.


Judicial activism, Jurisprudence, Legal interpretation, LGBTphobia, Hermeneutics.

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Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem on IBM Quantum®

Capra Ferrazzo, Natália


In this article, the basic concepts of Quantum Computing were studied and applied to NP-hard Travelling Salesman problem. Through the tools provided by IBM Quantum and Qiskit initiative, it was able to implement it via Python libraries and Jupyter Notebook. The results were as computed for similar publications.


NP-hard, Quantum computing, Travelling Salesman Problem.

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Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Marketing Intersection

Cescatto Costa, Bruna


Corporate Social Responsibility is linked to societal issues of organizations and has been a field of promising investigation, with potential society impacts. Marketing literature is of great value to understand Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities disclosure transcending communication objectives. To explore what literature has already investigated, the author reviewed articles pertaining to the intersection of CSR reporting and marketing corpus by means of a bibliometric review and a keyword network analysis. Thus, the aim of this article is to comprehend how marketing domain could foster CSR reporting literature to be fostered by analysing the current literature configuration. Attending to this objective, CSR reporting literature is able to take advantage from marketing aspects besides communication, such as value creation and market orientation, and marketing literature can advance its effort to incorporate societal concerns to its state of the art. Managerially this word could provide both subject to achieve synergistic results in CSR actions. The results showed low volume of publication and point to some research opportunities to further investigation. The limitations of the study are linked to the exploratory approach given, suggesting future scholars to adopt different methods to achieve other objectives such as exploring epistemological roots, variables relationships and conceptual differences.


CSR Report, Social Disclosure, Marketing, Societal Marketing.

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Norwegian Traditional Music: An Analysis of Folk Songs from Two Regions of Norway

Colossi, Tábatha


Understanding nationalism in music is not only studying your own country’s manners. It is essential to understand how it happens in several nations and once it is done, the assimilation of the nationalism development in any country is easier. The ancient origins of Norwegian traditional music and their importance to cultural affirmation during the process of the country’s independence are two of the main reasons that made this the main point of this study. Although musical folklore in Norway is already the subject of several studies, there are few studies about the distinct musical aspects of each Norway district or region. This paper investigated the musical differences in Norwegian folk songs from two regions of the country: Valdres and Telemark. A musical analysis of traditional songs collected, arranged and compiled by Ludvig M. Lindeman (1812-87) was made to evaluate the distinctions between traditional aspects of music from both regions. This analysis focused on the whole context of the songs instead of a note-to-note interpretation. It was found that the use of certain elements, considered by other authors as common in Norwegian folklore in general, are rarely encountered in music of specific Norway regions. Furthermore, it was found that there are some regional variations in Norwegian musical aspects.


Norwegian folk music, Valdres, Telemarken, Musical analysis; Ældre og nyere norske fjeldmelodier; Ludvig M. Lindeman.

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Do You Need Social Media As an Entrepreneur? — A Look Into the Literature

Cordeiro da Silva, Alina Beatriz


Also known as Social Networking Services (SNS), social media platforms have been ingrained in people’s lifestyles and enterprises’ business practices – and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. This paper’s objective is to verify the importance of SNS for an entrepreneur’s business success. For that, a narrative literature review was conducted. The results have shown that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) fall behind large enterprises (LE) in the usage of SNS due to lack of expertise, security risks, and fear of negative e-WOM (electronic word-of-mouth), meanwhile SMEs and LE that use SNS have been benefiting in a variety of areas, which include: performance, brand awareness and relationship with clients. The relevance of this study lies in the indicatives of an important, almost necessary, element for entrepreneurs’ business success – SNS – in particular for the ones of SMEs.


Social media; entrepreneur; SNS; SME; literature review.

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Puzzle as Assistive Technology for Early Visual Stimulation

Correa de Almeida, Vitória


The objective of the study is visual stimulation through methods that result positively in the visual development of children who have visual impairment or low vision. The project will be developed in the Laboratory and Innovation in Health Technology (LITS) of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) using 3D printing.


Visual Impairment, low vision, early visual, visual stimulation, 3D printing.

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Mental Health and COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Determinants, Vulnerability Factors and Mitigation Strategies

Costa Affonso, Karina


The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to the importance of recognizing social determinants and their impact on mental health disorders. This article synthesizes main findings from recent and relevant peer reviewed studies and supranational organizations publications regarding social determinants, vulnerable groups and mitigations measures to address this issue. In order to face this challenge, it is crucial to call for an integration across disciplines, professionals in private and public services. An explicit mental health budget and research funding is imperative for a holistic approach. Not only the is no health without mental health, but consequently there is no education, no sustainable development, no gender equality and no social justice. All articles must contain an abstract. The abstract text should be formatted using 9 point Cambria and indented 16 mm from the left and the right margin. Leave 1 line of 9 pt. Cambria space after the abstract before you begin with the keywords. Leave 1 line 9 pt. space after the keywords before the main text of your article, starting on the same page as the abstract. The abstract should give readers concise information about the content of the article and indicate the problem, the method used, the main results obtained and conclusions drawn. The abstract should be complete in itself; no tables, figures, references or displayed mathematical expressions should be included. It should be about 200-350 words in a single paragraph.


Mental Health, COVID-19, Social determinants, Vulnerability and mitigation.

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Lianas of the Sapindaceae Family in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Costa Moreira, Ana Luiza


The lack of relevant information concerning climbing plants resulted in an ineffective collection effort for this specific habit which was neglected for a long period of time. In addiction to this fact, it’s known that the fragmentation of the vegetation takes place faster than the scientific community can gather efforts to catalogue and identify relevant information about the native floristic composition. Through the past decades this scenario has being changed due to great achievements about the climbing habit and their particular adaptions to many challenges they may face to survive in the nature. The Sapindaceae family is an essential group among the lianas as a consequence of its economic importance, but the group was chosen to carry out the study for being cosmopolitan. Comparing the data collected on online databases and the collected species -it was found that some species of the Sapindaceae family wasn’t registered to that specific area, leading to the conclusion of scarce collection.


Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, clibing plants, vines, herbarium.

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Do You Need Social Media As an Entrepreneur? — A Look Into the Literature

Coutinho, Mei


Also known as Social Networking Services (SNS), social media platforms have been ingrained in people’s lifestyles and enterprises’ business practices – and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. This paper’s objective is to verify the importance of SNS for an entrepreneur’s business success. For that, a narrative literature review was conducted. The results have shown that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) fall behind large enterprises (LE) in the usage of SNS due to lack of expertise, security risks, and fear of negative e-WOM (electronic word-of-mouth), meanwhile SMEs and LE that use SNS have been benefiting in a variety of areas, which include: performance, brand awareness and relationship with clients. The relevance of this study lies in the indicatives of an important, almost necessary, element for entrepreneurs’ business success – SNS – in particular for the ones of SMEs.


Social media; entrepreneur; SNS; SME; literature review.

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The Difficulties in Measure the Impact of Education on Economic Development: A Review of Used Methods

Carneiro Matias Araújo, Hiágina


The nowadays economy and ways to produce is a result of transformations and the most recent is the advance of technology due the increment of human capital in the productive methods. The investment in people is where the innovations come and, in order to do that, the countries and the companies value the education and specialization of the individual improving their abilities and skills. The presence of research universities creates an impact in regional and national economies, so to analyze this impact is important to certify the advance of the whole society. The studies have shown advantages and disadvantages in the methods used which reveals a difficulty in the measurement of the benefits of investing in people. This work objective is to review the methods used to measure the impact of education in economic development.


Human Capital, Education Impact, Higher Education, Investment, Universities.

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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Adults and Its Relation with Stress/Anxiety

Carraro Serra Gomes da Silva, Lucas - 1


Mental factors such as pressure, emotional states, health response, or personal traits are acknowledged to have a major influence the intensity of manifestations in gastric-esophageal reflux condition.  The aim of the present study was to highlight the relationship among stress, psychological traits associated with acid reflux and perceptions of reflux symptoms. Two studies were used to analyze the relationship between reflux and anxiety. A retrospective transversal, made by Ji Min Choi, and another prospective, made by Xiao-Jun Yang. Both provided details about this association, in addition to highlighting the importance of endoscopic examination to identify reflux disease. Finally, this close conection between esophageal reflux disease and anxiety needs to be further explored, so that the guidelines may include a holistic treatment for GERD, improving the quality of life in patients affected by it.


Reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease, proton pump inhibitors super endoscopy, mental health, stress, anxiety, depression, GERD.

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From a Student’s View, Emotional and Physical Distress Induced by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Carraro Serra Gomes da Silva, Lucas - 2


Social structures were challenged and reshaped with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. The educational institutions to be assessed in this article, high school, and college, as structures for primary and higher education, respectively, were also affected. However, Brazil’s longstanding social inequalities did not impact any other area as directly as education. Distance Learning, in Portuguese “Ensino à Distância” (EAD), the principal teaching tool used at the time, confronts socioeconomic barriers. Thus, the mental and physical complications that arose in students, as a direct byproduct of forced isolation, span various areas, including the inability to cope with the expectations created by themselves and their families during the tumultuous period of completing high school and taking entrance exams. Therefore, students need to be listened to, as a matter of utmost importance, so we, as a society, can understand the origins of their stress, considering that during the pandemic period, over 48 million students ceased attending the regular face-to-face activities of the pre-pandemic period (GRANDSIOLI et al, 2020) [1].


COVID-19 education, distance learning, emotional distress, physical distress.

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Interactions Between Graphyne and Biological Constituents

Carvalho Mathias, Susan


As biomedical nanomaterial applications advance, the concomitant escalation of unanticipated interactions between two-dimensional nanomaterials and biological or pharmaceutical constituents poses a growing concern. The meticulous examination of potential graphyne interactions serves not only to mitigate the occurrence of unforeseen biochemical complications but also to catalyse the creation of related medical treatments. Graphyne, a nanomaterial of substantial interest, has garnered attention for its multifaceted utility, including drug delivery mechanisms, DNA interaction, radiation protection, enzyme substitute, and cholesterol removal, among other applications. A comprehensive analysis of scholarly literature about this subject increases the popularisation of varieties of this nanomaterial. To ascertain potential interactions, an array of methodologies was further explained, including Density-functional theory (DFT), Density of States (DOS and PDOS), Charge Decomposition Analysis (CDA), and Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Furthermore, this extensive review will include a nuanced examination of structural variations of graphyne, regarding its acetylene linkages. Despite the extensive diversity of graphyne variants beyond the commonly known alpha, beta, and gamma forms, the alternative manifestations might be omitted in the scope of biomedical simulations. To systematically embrace the extensive range of variations, we shall employ the nomenclature “GnYf”. The primary focus is to elucidate the biochemical implications of such structural configurations.


Graphyne, Molecular Dynamics, Biochemistry, Drug Delivery, Radiation, Nanozyme, Antibacterial, Photothermal therapy, Biosensing.

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The Belt and Road Initiative and its Implications for the International System

Caselato, Joab Miguel


The main objective of this article is to analyse and examine the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which is a grand global regional integration project led and financed by China, involving many countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America. BRI aims at its core to promote trade, investment, infrastructure, connectivity and cultural exchange between the countries that participate in it and is currently seen as one of the largest development initiatives in history and a key factor in the contemporary International System. The paper in question uses a broad literature review based on articles from Google Scholar and economic analysis websites to analyse the main aspects concerning BRI, such as its historical context, its short and long-term objectives, its role in the foreign policy of Beijing, the geopolitical and power dimensions, the economic benefits and challenges of implementing this initiative on the global geopolitical scenario and the implications of its existence and development for the world order. The key argument for the article is that China pursues both multilateral cooperation and self-interest through BRI, using strategic investments to gain advantages in areas such as transport, energy and security. However, the article also considers the possibility that BRI could end up partaking in some form of debt-trapped diplomacy, creating economic dependence and political alignment of many countries with China, and challenging the Western order.


International Relations, Belt and Road Initiative, China, Geopolitics, Foreign Policy.

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Potential for General Healthcare Waste Recycling in a Brazilian Public University Hospital

Cassanho Froes, Mayara


The production of healthcare waste has seen a consistent global increase. Of all the waste generated in healthcare establishments, research centers and laboratories associated with medical procedures, 85% is made up of non-hazardous waste, which contains the most diverse materials, including those that can potentially be recycled. This study aimed to analyze the recycling potential of solid waste from a Brazilian public university hospital with the characterization of solid residue generated, helping to improve segregation systems in hospital environments and essential actions for the sustainable management of hospital waste. To do this, a form was used to collect information from 14 locations in the hospital, consisting of administrative areas and receptions with public access, where the contents of 67 waste containers without any major risk of infected materials were observed, as well as the presence of activities with the potential to influence the types of materials deposited in these containers. Ten different groups of materials were observed, the most frequent of which were paper, plastic cups and general plastic, all potentially recyclable. Of all the containers, 80.60% contained paper, 35.82% plastic cups and 28.36% general plastic. However, when looking at the total amount of waste generated by the hospital in the first 6 months of 2023, it was possible to see that only a small amount is sent for recycling, which can be explained by the difficulty of correctly segregating the materials. As a result, the use of marketing strategies to raise awareness among hospital employees and visitors is a possible solution for recycling a greater amount of waste.


Healthcare waste, recycling, public hospital, waste container, waste characterization.

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Isolation and Evaluation of Nickel-Resistant Bacteria from Estuary Sediment of Itajaí River

Castro do Nascimento, Maria Eduarda


This study focused on the Saco da Fazenda estuary in Brazil, an area affected by nickel contamination, and aimed to identify nickel-resistant bacteria with bioremediation potential. Sampling took place at two locations, with point 2 showing a higher degree of microbial adaptation to nickel. Nine isolates capable of thriving in a 1M nickel concentration were selected for further characterization, and they predominantly exhibited morphological and physiological traits associated with the Bacillus genus, potentially Bacillus cereus. Two standout isolates, namely LAMA 1507 and LAMA 1508, retained their nickel resistance under laboratory conditions. These isolates showed promise in nickel removal, likely employing biosorption or bioaccumulation mechanisms. However, both isolates displayed antimicrobial activity against Vibrio fisheri, even without nickel, a common characteristic in their taxonomic group. This research underscores the importance of exploring microbial communities in contaminated environments for potential bioremediation candidates. While LAMA 1507 and LAMA 1508 exhibit strong nickel removal potential, their antimicrobial activity highlights the need for comprehensive studies on these isolates for effective environmental remediation strategies.


Estuarine environments, Nickel-resistant bacteria, Bioremediation.

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Prioritization of Industrial Assets Using SAW Method

Cavalcante de Sousa, Alisson


The evaluation of industrial assets is an essential process to ensure the reliability and availability of equipment. The combination of data-based Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the input from maintenance technicians can provide a more comprehensive assessment of assets. In this article, the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method was employed to combine data-based KPIs and the opinions of maintenance technicians in evaluating six industrial equipment. The results demonstrated that the amalgamation of these criteria is effective in identifying the most critical equipment for the production process. These findings can be used to prioritise maintenance investments, which can contribute to enhancing the reliability and availability of the equipment.


Industrial asset assessment, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), Maintenance technicians’ opinions, SAW method (Simple Additive Weighting method), Prioritization of maintenance investments.

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Effectiveness of Semaglutide in Weight Reduction in Patients with Obesity: A systematic Review

Cendon de Paula, Mateus


Purpose: This systematic review aimed to assess the effectiveness of Semaglutide in promoting weight loss among individuals with obesity or overweight, providing an evidence-based reference for clinical treatment. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive search of PubMed, database for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the monotherapy Semaglutide injections up to April 2022. Results: In this review, we analyze six selected studies focusing on Semaglutide’s efficacy in weight reduction among obese individuals. These randomized trials compared different Semaglutide doses with placebos or alternative treatments. The findings consistently demonstrate significant weight loss across all Semaglutide groups, making it a promising intervention for obesity management. These studies provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of Semaglutide in achieving weight loss goals for individuals with obesity. Conclusion: This systematic review demonstrates that semaglutide are more effective than placebo in promoting weight loss among individuals with obesity or overweight. These findings provide valuable insights into the clinical use of GLP-1RAs for weight management in obese and overweight individuals.


Semaglutida, Weight Loss, Obesity.

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Association Between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Eating Disorder: A Narrative Literature Review

Clozer Pinheiro Garcia, Thaís


Within the literature, much research has addressed the possible correlation between ASD and ED. A narrative literature review was carried out with the objective of investigating the most recent articles that addressed the clinical relationship between these two diagnoses in order to facilitate the current understanding of the theme. The articles available for viewing in the Scopus, Pub Med and Scielo databases were selected, having as inclusion criteria the publications in English from 2013 – 2023. Among the articles studied, it was possible to understand that most individuals with ASD present symptoms of ED’s, which is closely linked to sensory sensitivity, food selectivity, food neophobia and repetitive patterns of behavior. The classic treatment for ED is not very effective in autistic patients. From this clinical correlation, it is evident the importance of professionals knowing how to deal with atypical patterns of eating disorders that differ from conventional treatment and being able to formulate a diagnosis of ASD to guide an individualized and effective treatment.


Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Eating Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia, Feeding Disorder.

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Jão: Understanding the Brazilian Pop Phenomenon

Collin dos Santos, Anne Caroline


Jão is the artistic name of the 28 years old Brazilian Pop Singer and Songwriter “João Vitor Romania Balbino” and this article consists in a qualitative exploratory case study based on trying to understand how could the Brazilian singer “Jão” become a national pop phenomenon, and which events could have contributed to his meteoric rise and success among his vast and diverse audience in Brazil. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a phenomenon could be described as: “someone or something that is extremely successful, often because of special qualities or abilities”. However, when it is talked about a pop phenomenon, it could be explained and measured as of how successful and important this person, movie or trend can impact a specific target or public. Can someone be able to witness and determine the chronological facts that would add up to an ascension phenomenon? A phenomenon who still isn’t at the end of the career, but, actually, just in its ascension era? This is the main objective of the present study, since it’s intended to examine the extent of the singer’s success and its profound impact on a country where pop music is on the 6th place of the most listened genres.


Pop, Pop/Rock, Music, Brazilian Pop, Entertainment, Youth Culture, Brazilian Popular Music, Pop Culture, Cultural Industry, Jão.

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The Future of Medicine and its Wide-Ranging Applications

Comunian, Fernanda


Stem cell therapy, while offering promise for once-intractable diseases, faces safety concerns due to unchecked private clinic treatments. This review provides a comprehensive overview of stem cell-based therapies in human and veterinary medicine. Tracing stem cell therapy’s evolution from its 1930s inception to today’s groundbreaking induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), it highlights iPSCs’ potential for diseases like Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis. Examining various stem cell types—embryonic stem cells (ESCs), tissue-specific progenitor stem cells (TSPSCs), mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and iPSCs—it explores their advantages and challenges. Adult stem cells, ethically sourced from specialized tissues, shine in hematopoietic transplants. Directed differentiation, critical for specific cell lineage transformation and teratoma prevention, is discussed. Strategies like culture manipulation and molecular cues are outlined, with acknowledged in vivo challenges. Stem cell therapy’s potential is evident in addressing neurodegenerative diseases, spinal cord injuries, ocular disorders, and diabetes. However, realizing its full potential mandates further research and rigorous clinical trials. In veterinary medicine, stem cell therapy is relevant, especially for equine and canine injuries and joint issues, relying on mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and adipose tissue. While stem cell therapy holds promise, challenges persist in differentiation, safety, and the need for well-structured clinical trials. Continued research and development are crucial to unlock its full regenerative potential.


Stem cell, diseases, treatment, pluripotent, degenerative, ESCs, TSPSCs, MSCs, iPSCs, transplants, research, clinical trial, regenerative.

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The Use of Innovative Technologies in Internal Audit: Discussion About New Features

Correa Fernandes, Guilherme


The present article discusses the internal audit responsibility, it’s role in the company’s corporate governance and the activities addressed by the audit. The article mainly focuses on data analytics and artificial intelligence technologies that once implemented have the potential to help the internal auditor in many ways, such as, but not limited to, increasing productivity and permitting better results in the analysis. The internal audit is a very important engine in the governance framework of the company, mainly because this area has two different characteristics, the objectivity of the analysis and the independence of the reports. However, currently in many companies the professionals carry out activities manually consequently spending a lot of time, for example, with database analysis, regulation comparison, preparation of standard reports, etc. The time spent in activities such as these could be better used by the application of digital technologies. The researches here presented were developed using analytical descriptive methods. The necessary data were obtained by the use of internet media to resource the journals and articles cited in this article. As a result of this analysis there are demonstrated many uses for these tools and technologies. Artificial intelligence and data analytics when combined unlock the real potential to improve the audit results, increase efficiency and save time. In conclusion, some practical applications for these technologies in the internal audit industry are here demonstrated.


Internal Audit, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Innovative Technologies, Three Lines of Defense, Corporate Governance.

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Barbenheimer - Convergence in Contemporary Cinema

Correa Moreira Lima, Mônica


In this article, we delve into the influence of audience behavior on modern-day Cinema and the ways in which it can enhance the debut and genuineness of movies. Our focus was on two highly anticipated films set to release in 2023, Barbie and Oppenheimer, known as Barbenheimer, both of which have garnered attention for their exceptional and organic union made by the audience that ends up involving and captivating viewers through various forms of media. This phenomenon has resulted in increased audience involvement and what we refer to as a “movement” in this article.


Contemporary Cinema, Convergence, Audience, Barbenheimer.

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The Strategic Integration of Instagram and YouTube in Scientific Dissemination - A Case Study of Manual do Mundo

Costa, Luiza


This study investigates the strategic integration of Instagram and YouTube for science dissemination, specifically focusing on Manual do Mundo, a prominent science communicator in Brazil with more than 20 million followers on its digital networks. It seeks to expand the understanding of effective science communication in the digital age by highlighting the advantages of tailoring content to each platform’s unique attributes. The research offers valuable insights into Manual do Mundo’s audience engagement strategies. To assess the effectiveness of this integration, the study analysed three instances of Instagram and YouTube integration employed by Manual do Mundo, in particular two cases in which Instagram Reels and YouTube videos addressed the same scientific topic and one case where an Instagram post promoted a podcast exclusively available on Manual do Mundo’s YouTube channel. This analysis also included relevant metrics and audience engagement. Ultimately, this strategic integration contributes significantly to advancing scientific literacy and enhancing accessibility in today’s interconnected digital landscape.


Scientific Dissemination, YouTube, Instagram, Social Media, Manual do Mundo.

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Altering the Physical-Chemical Properties of Coffee Using Digestive Enzymes

Costa Castelli, Mellanye


The article explored an innovative bioreactor-based coffee fermentation process, closely mirroring the natural digestive system of civets. This intricate process unfolded in three distinct stages: Stomach Replication: In the first stage, the bioreactor replicates the solution present in the stomach of civets. Intestine Emulation: Moving to the second stage, the bioreactor emulates the conditions found within the intestines of these animals. Colon Fermentation: The third and final stage involves the introduction of lactic acid bacteria, mirroring the fermentation process that occurs in the colon. Lactic acid bacteria are added at concentrations aligning with those observed in the civet’s small intestine. The research presented the proximate analysis of coffee,  encompassing parameters such as water content, ash content, lipid, protein, and carbohydrate. Notably, the findings reveal that while there are no significant differences in water content, ash content, and lipid content between bioreactor/artificial luwak coffee and the original luwak coffee, the protein content in artificial luwak coffee exceeds that of the original luwak coffee. This suggests that the bioreactor process effectively mitigates protein degradation that typically occurs during natural fermentation. This degradation is attributed to the acidic environment within the civet’s digestive system, with the article emphasizing that the addition of an acid solution during research does not harm the coffee beans. In fact, it enhances the quality of coffee beans, as supported by previous studies.


Coffee, Enzyme, Fermentation, Exotic, Quality.

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Primary Health Care and Use of Polypharmacy By the Elderly: Literature Review

Costa do Rego, João Pedro


Elderly individuals are becoming increasingly important due to demographic transition. This leads to new demands in terms of public health policies. In this regard, the greater use of medications by the elderly increases the risk of adverse health outcomes, which need to be assessed. Objectives: to identify the knowledge regarding the use of medications by the elderly in the context of primary health care produced between the years 2013 and 2023. Methods: a systematic review conducted on the Scopus and PubMed databases, with articles published between 2013 and 2023, focusing on polypharmacy among the elderly in primary health care. Results: the search yielded 471 articles, which, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, resulted in the selection of 19 articles for inclusion in this review. Discussion: the selected studies addressed topics related to the use of polypharmacy by the elderly, highlighting: inappropriate medication prescribing, risk factors for polypharmacy, as well as solutions that facilitate medication management for the elderly. Conclusion: deprescription is a promising measure for reducing polypharmacy therapy among the elderly. To reduce complications and errors associated with this therapy, there is a need for collaborative efforts among healthcare professionals, the patient, and the family group.


Primary Health Care, Polypharmacy, Potentially Inappropriate Medications, Family Health Strategy, Elderly People.

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Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Dental Treatment

Costa Junior, Florival


The promotion of health and the well-being of the patient is one of the main goals of health professionals. In certain common dental procedures, it can cause transient bacteremia, significantly increasing the risk of developing an infectious process. Antibiotic prophylaxis is assumed as a preventive measure, providing concentrations of the antibiotic in the blood, in order to prevent bacterial proliferation and dissemination. Antibiotic prophylaxis is used for two different purposes: to prevent infections at the surgical site, and infections at a distance. Thus, the aim of this article is to review the literature on the use of antibiotic prophylaxis during dental treatment. With protocols already established for antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with a predisposition to endocarditis and immunosuppressed patients according to the type of procedure performed, since the indications depend on specific factors and must be analyzed individually, given that if administered correctly, it denotes efficacy against to possible postoperative complications.


Antibiotic prophylaxis, Dental treatment, Dentistry.

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Biogas Production: By Sewage and Human Feces

Costenaro Chiapin da Silva, João Pedro


The global quest for sustainable and renewable energy sources has become increasingly urgent in the face of contemporary energy and environmental challenges. In this context, biodigesters have emerged as a promising and ecologically viable solution for energy generation. Biodigesters enable the production of biogas, a renewable fuel derived from the anaerobic decomposition of organic materials, including agricultural waste, food residues, and sewage sludge. This decomposition process is orchestrated by specific bacteria under carefully controlled conditions of temperature, pH, and humidity within the biodigester. During this decomposition, the bacteria generate biogas, primarily composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Biogas can be captured, stored, and employed as fuel in internal combustion engines or electricity generators. The capture and utilization of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, significantly contributes to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Nonetheless, a notable challenge in utilizing organic waste and municipal sewage lies in the high concentration of human feces. To address this challenge, this study investigates the feasibility of utilizing human feces as a co-substrate for biogas production. The study reveals promising results in biogas production from human feces, albeit with certain limitations. Biogas production initiated slowly, followed by gradual increases, but declined towards the experiment’s end due to unregulated pH levels and an increase in ammonia nitrogen concentrations. Temperature fluctuations between 25°C and 35°C were also observed to influence biogas production. These findings imply the potential for co-digestion of human feces with other substrates, such as cattle and poultry manure, to enhance biogas production and digestate utilization. The study emphasizes the need for further research to optimize co-digestion ratios, making the process not only economically viable but also environmentally sustainable. In summary, this study underscores the significance of biodigesters as a renewable energy source, offering a promising solution for organic waste management and the reduction of environmental impact. However, it underscores the importance of careful consideration of substrate composition and operational conditions to maximize biogas production. Further investigations are recommended to fine-tune co-digestion parameters, with the aim of achieving enhanced efficiency in biogas production and digestate utilization.


Biogas, Substrates, Anaerobic Digester. Biogas Production, Anaerobic Digestion, Sewage Sludge.

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Complications of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during Childhood and Adolescence

Cunha Baptista, Carolina


Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a multifactorial autoimmune pathology associated with the complete inability to produce insulin, as a result of the destruction of insulin-producing β-cells on the pancreas islets of Langerhans. The disease is the most common chronic metabolic illness during childhood and adolescence, being directly affected by factors such as genetics, environment, diet and exercise, which can lead to more predisposition to develop this condition. A cure for T1DM is not available and patients depend on strict life-long treatments and medical monitoring, which is a difficulty since those most affected have young age and, consequently, have more obstacles on adapting appropriately to the therapy, being more prone to develop complications. The main worsenings of this disease are cardiovascular involvement, ketoacidosis, nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy that can be developed in the long and short term after diagnosis, decreasing life-quality and life expectancy of individuals with T1DM. Thus, it is crucial to have a high knowledge about these pathology complications, in order to identify decompensations, avoiding irreversible injuries and sequels on patients that can lead to high morbimortality.


Type 1 diabetes mellitus, complications, insulin and decompensations.

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Relevance of Dermatological Lesions in Acquired Syphilis

Cunha Cancela, Fernanda


Introduction: Acquired syphilis is an infectious disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum, transmitted through sexual intercourse or extragenital contagion. According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that there are 12 million new cases per year, and the pathology has different stages of evolution. Objective: Control the infection and monitorate treatment through a correct diagnosis, especially in relation to dermatological lesions. Methods: Thirteen articles were collected in English and Portuguese, from 2006 to 2023, on Scielo, PubMed, Uptodate and Google Scholar platforms. In addition to these bibliographic sources, the book “Dermatologia Azulay” and Brazilian Ministry of Health protocols was also used. Results: Studies have shown an increase in the number of cases of the disease and demonstrated the epidemiological and spatial profile of the pathology. Discussion: Dermatological lesions in acquired syphilis have many details, with specific differences according to the period of chronological evolution. This chronology is divided into recent syphilis, which presents primary and secondary syphilis, with less than a year of evolution, and late syphilis, with tertiary syphilis with more than a year of evolution. It is also worth noting that the degree of infectivity reduces over time, however it can progress to more serious levels. Diagnosis is difficult due to the symptoms that are not exclusive to the disease, and detailed analysis of each phase of the disease is essential. In addition, there are screening and diagnostic tests, essential for diagnostic analysis and choosing the appropriate treatment. Conclusion: Acquired syphilis is of notable importance due to its widespread virulence and ability to generate multiple complications in humans, requiring correct diagnosis in order to control symptoms and the chain of transmission.


Syphilis; Treponema pallidum; Dermatology; Diagnosis.

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Mechanisms by Which an HFD Impairs Memory and Strategies to Reverse This

Cunha Pereira de Souza, Letícia


The World Health Organization points out that obesity is increasing. And the overconsumption of food high in saturated fat and refined carbohydrate appears to be a primary driving force behind the obesity epidemic. This highlights the importance of understanding the effects of this type of diet on metabolism. In this context, a high-fat diet (HFD), composed primarily of saturated fatty acids, is associated not only with obesity but also with other metabolic disorders. Furthermore, it has been proposed that a HFD even affects areas of the brain, for example, the hippocampus, interfering with cognitive function, such as learning and memory. However, the precise mechanisms of how it happens are not yet well understood. Therefore, here are reviewed the potential mechanisms by which a HFD affects the brain and impairs learning and memory function that relays on the hippocampus, such as inflammation, oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, neuronal apoptosis, increased blood-brain barrier permeability, and neuroepigenetic dysregulation of memory-related genes. In addition, the review introduces some interventions, such as endurance exercise, dietary restriction (every other day fasting), and antioxidants (vitamin E and extra virgin olive oil), that have the potential to counterbalance the metabolic and cognitive effects due to the consumption of a HFD.


High-fat-diet, hippocampus, memory, learning, cognitive impairment.

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Safety in public space. Analyses of safety aspects on Grajaú- São Paulo

Camera Menezes, Beatriz


The article describes my research on safety of public space in Brazil. The aim of the work was to analyse the elements and their parameters that significantly influence perception of safety in public space on an example of the Grajaú district of São Paulo. The primary method employed was field observation, empirical investigation, and documentation of the most common forms of greenery in the city. This research identified the most common problematic elements and potential indicators of safety or danger. Maps, street photos, and public opinion
were used to select the seven most present aspects of security in Grajaú: steep streets, bad sidewalks, absence of places to hide, bad lighting, problematic crossover, no asphalt, and problematic trees. The research is part of a broader work of my supervisor Ing. arch. Gloria Abu Zummarová aimed at creating a procedure to generate a table of safety indicators based on a comprehensive analysis of public spaces which can be used to develop a methodical procedure to quantify the level of safety in public spaces.


Safety, public space, Grajaú, Brazil, São Paulo.

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The impact of the particle size of the BaFe12O19 magnetostrictive phase on the electrical properties of (KxNa1-x)NbO3 magneto-electric composites

Cavallaro Conti, Matheus


This study is aimed at investigating the impact of the particle size of the BaFe12O19 magnetostrictive phase on the electrical properties of (KxNa1-x)NbO3 magneto-electric composites. This perovskite-structured material presents significant technological potential due to its intriguing ferroelectric properties and its role as a substitute for commonly utilized ferroelectric matrices such as PZT and PMN-PT. The viability of incorporating KNN into multiferroic magneto-electric composite systems aligns with sustainability objectives, given that its nanostructures eschew lead (Pb), a heavy metal with pronounced toxicity, both in its composition and processing pathway. Consequently, in the pursuit of optimizing the physical characteristics of the KNN/BaM system, samples featuring distinct particle sizes were synthesized via Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), a non-conventional sintering technique. Electrical properties were assessed through impedance spectroscopy. Overall, regarding electronic,
nuanced variations were observed with alterations in particle size, including heightened dielectric dispersion correlating with augmented average grain size of the composite post-powder mixing and SPS sintering.


Magneto-electric composites, Ferroelectricity, Spark Plasma Sintering.

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An overview on container loading problems

Centenaro, Pedro Henrique


The logistic process of loading cargo into containers encompasses all industries, being a crucial step to improve the delivery of goods. In order to obtain competitive advantages, companies seek to maximize the total volume or profit of the loaded items, while also minimizing the number of containers needed to deliver products. Moreover, the loading process may be complicated by constraints such as weight limits and box orientations. Though it is
mathematically possible to model container loading problems (CLPs), solving them to optimality is practically impossible, due to their combinatorial nature. Thus, most of the research on this topic has focused on heuristics that produce good solutions in an acceptable amount of time. In light of these facts, this overview investigates the types of CLPs that have been proposed and considered by researchers, and the constraints that have been tackled the most. We also investigate a few heuristics in greater detail, based on their importance and ability to illustrate
the different techniques that can be used to solve CLPs. We observe that most researchers have focused on solving CLPs with a wide variety of boxes and few container types. Furthermore, the average number of constraints considered in papers has changed little in three decades. This indicates the existence of many gaps in the literature. In conclusion, we hypothesize that the almost stagnant exploration of CLPs may be explained by the authors’ focus on improving the efficiency of container loading based on previous works that are already biased towards certain problem configurations. We conclude that society will benefit from efforts to close research gaps
and make CLP software more accessible to laypersons.


Container loading problems, heuristics, mathematical optimization, decision
support systems, literature overview.

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Using 12S in eDNA Studies: A Literature Review

Chen, Thomas


Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a very useful tool for the conservation and biomonitoring of natural environments. For being a non-invasive, low-cost and highly efficient method, many biodiversity assessment studies prefer eDNA metabarcoding to traditional methods. Despite of its rising popularity, the choice of marker gene for amplifying genetic material has become a major challenge for researchers employing this technology, as each one has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the environment and the research objectives. This article aims to analyze the 12S gene, which has become a common marker in recent years due to its high specificity in species identification. After a literature review of various studies, it was concluded that the 12S gene is regularly used in aquatic environments to identify fish, and despite its scarcity in databases, it has great potential for future eDNA metabarcoding studies.


12S, eDNA metabarcoding, primers, biodiversity assessments.

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From Boom to Bust: Understanding Latin America’s Deindustrialization in the 1980s

Chéquer Luz Menezes, Guilherme


The 1980s marked a tumultuous period for Latin America, often referred to as the “lost decade,” characterized by economic turmoil and social upheaval. Rapid industrialization, once a hallmark of the region’s growth, gave way to deindustrialization, leaving lasting scars on the economic and social fabric. This study delves into the causes, responses, and social ramifications of Latin America’s deindustrialization during this pivotal decade. Rooted in the
external debt crisis, exacerbated by the second oil shock and subsequent austerity measures, the industrial model that had sustained Latin American growth reached its breaking point. Embracing neoliberal policies, governments sought to liberalize markets, privatize industries, and open up to international trade, under the influence of the Washington Consensus. However, these reforms failed to revitalize productive forces, exacerbating social inequalities and unemployment. The social costs of the crisis were staggering, leading to increased poverty,
worsened income distribution, and political instability across the region. As Latin America shifted from industrialization to primary goods exports, it faced challenges of declining global competitiveness and increased dependency on external factors. Despite efforts to address these issues through regional integration and social spending, the legacy of deindustrialization continues to shape Latin America’s economic landscape, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable development strategies that prioritize inclusive growth and social welfare.


Latin America, deindustrialization, 1980s, economic crisis, neoliberalism.

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Uses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the fight against COVID-19

Claudio Coelho Barboza, Ana Lidia


COVID-19 affected human health, the economy, and politics worldwide. In that context, many alternative diagnostic, immunization, and therapy methods applying genetic engineering in yeast were developed. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was proven a valuable model for many biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications. S. cerevisiae-based tools can enable more efficient, and faster vaccination and decrease inequalities in access to health resources. This review presented some research developed during the COVID-19 pandemic where S. cerevisiae is used as a vaccine carrier, diagnostic tool, antibody biological factory, and a study model for SARS-CoV-2.


SARS-CoV-2. Genetic Engineering. Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosensor. Vaccine.

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Synergies between the blue economy and SDG 14: pathways to a sustainable future

Coelho Netto Santos e Silva, Fabio


The ocean is considered the new economic frontier due to its potential for resource wealth and economic growth driver. However, the ocean faces increasing pressures from overexploitation, pollution, biodiversity decline, and climate change. In this context, the concept of Blue Economy emerges, which seeks to reconcile economic development with the environmental sustainability of oceans and coastal areas. Its linkage with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 14 – Life below Water, is a challenge due to possible
competitions and conflicts between individual or industrial targets. The Blue Economy encompasses both established and emerging sectors, and is promoted as a strategy to protect the world’s oceans and water resources. SDG 14 seeks to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources, and has driven global efforts in this regard, such as the creation of marine protected areas and the reduction of marine pollution. Identifying the synergies between the Blue Economy and the SDGs is essential to harness the full potential of the ocean in a responsible and sustainable way.


Blue economy, SDG, sustainable development.

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The (in)effectiveness of punishments for insider trading in Brazil

Colafemea, Marina


Insider trading occurs when individuals use privileged information or significant facts to gain profits in the financial market, undermining its fairness and trust. Although insider trading emerged as a significant issue in 1929, in Brazil, it was only criminalized in 2001 through an amendment made by Law No. 10,303 to the Corporations Law. Employing a deductive methodology, this article aimed to comprehend the potential penalties presently applicable to insider trading, tracing its evolution in Brazilian legislation, and assessing its effectiveness.


insider trading. financial market. corporation law. criminal penalty.

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Brief notes on Sustainable Development

Corcelli Jorri, Amanda Cristina


This analysis compares five recent papers on measuring sustainable development, published between 2021 and 2023. The papers discuss various aspects of sustainable development, including resource security, ecological breakdown, and carbon emissions. The objective of this paper is to briefly describe each one of them and them to explore the similarities between them. The papers by Aleissa and Bakshi (2023), Hickel (2020), and Hickel et al. (2022) all base their arguments on social justice, with Hickel (2020) and Hickel et al. (2022) addressing carbon emissions and resource use, respectively. Wackernagel et al. (2021) examines resource security and its impact on poverty eradication, revealing unequal resource distribution among countries. The results of these papers emphasize the disproportionate responsibility of high-income countries in terms of resource consumption and climate change, highlighting the need for more equitable policies and resource distribution.


Sustainable development; Measurement; Responsibility; Fair and Just transition.

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Language Ideology in Brazilian Indigenous Academic Production

Côrtes Servelati, Fabrício


The general objective of this paper is to map academic discussions proposed by indigenous researchers. It is justified in a context where people of different ethnicities and backgrounds have been able to access university education and have called into question the hegemonic status of Eurocentric concepts and methods of knowledge production. More specifically, we aim to identify which language ideologies (i.e. beliefs about language use and structure) they mobilize in their discourses and meta-discourses, as well as to notice what subject positions they occupy in the academic environment in light of the topics they address. We selected ten works, among articles, undergraduate and master’s dissertations, by self-declared indigenous people which might reflect directly or indirectly on language. We found three major recurrent topics being addressed in these works: (1) the principles of academic education for indigenous teachers who are acting or will act in their community schools, with special attention to their traditional knowledge, belief systems, native linguistic practices, and cultural education; (2) the preservation and/or revitalization of their traditional languages, which have for centuries been lost, suppressed or changed by contact with the Portuguese language and non-indigenous people; (3) the challenges indigenous people have faced during selection processes, undergraduate and graduate studies at universities in Brazil. The results we found show that indigenous academics have been pushing the boundaries of academic orthodoxies in regard to research methodologies and reporting strategies; in their perspective, language is seen as deeply connected to the diverse activities, knowledge, beliefs, history, memories and practices developed in their particular cultural tradition, hardly being taken as an abstract element. Nevertheless, researchers do eventually resort to the essentialist notion of language, dominant in Western academia, in order to facilitate intelligibility in this arena, as well as to emphasize cultural differences and unique traits of their traditional cultural identities.


Language Ideology, Indigenous Academic Productions, Decoloniality.

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The Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Propolis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Cunha Lima Fucci, Julia


Propolis, a resinous polyphenolic compound produced by bees, has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. This study explores the potential effects of propolis on type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a chronic condition marked by high blood glucose levels and insulin resistance. A systematic literature review assessed existing research on propolis and its impact on T2DM, focusing particularly on Brazilian green propolis. The findings suggest that propolis may modulate inflammation and control oxidative stress in T2DM patients, potentially improving insulin resistance and antioxidant activity. These properties can help mitigate oxidative stress, a key factor in the progression of diabetes and its complications, as well as reduce inflammatory markers. While direct effects on blood glucose levels may be limited, propolis shows promise as a complementary therapy for managing T2DM and its associated complications, such as cardiovascular and renal issues. The natural properties and minimal side effects of propolis make it an attractive adjunct treatment alongside conventional therapies, with potential benefits in controlling diabetes-related symptoms and improving quality of life. Further research is essential to strengthen the evidence for propolis’s efficacy in managing T2DM and its complications. Larger sample sizes and placebo-controlled studies could provide more definitive insights into propolis’s role in diabetes management, including understanding its impact on lipid profiles, insulin resistance, and other relevant parameters. Comparative studies on different types of propolis and their specific effects on diabetes would also help optimize its therapeutic potential. In conclusion, propolis represents a promising approach for enhancing the quality of life for T2DM patients and reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications. However, its use should be approached with caution and under medical supervision. More research is needed to confirm propolis’s efficacy and establish standardized protocols for its use in diabetes management.


Propolis, Diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Oxidative stress, Insulin resistance, Brazilian green propolis.

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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Inspired by Birds: Engineering Allied to Nature

Dellamajora Lino, Murilo


This papper describes a modeling and prototipate flapping wing ornithopter model. Before the studies about FMAV mechanisms and systems, four models were built to understand and replicated the theorical foundations based on Technology Readiness Levels. During the modeling process, fatigue results and material choices were expected and happened based on reference literature and wing model switching was effective for modeling success. The prototyping phase is being initiated based on the results found in the modeling.


Flapping Wings, Ornithtopter, UAV, MAV, FMAV and TRL.

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How Are Regulations Made? From Public Interest Theory To an Institutional Approach

Delvaux Parma, Gustavo


Governmental regulatory activity impacts us daily, but mostly we do not even notice it. Probably nearly every product in our households has been affected by some state regulation, but most common citizens know almost nothing about how the regulatory process works. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the major works about how regulations are made. It is important to notice that this work does not have the objective of reviewing legal norms that indicates how regulatory processes work in one country or another, but to evaluate how public or political agents (regulators) tend to work, i.e., what tends to dictate their behavior, how lobbying activities affect regulation, what role do institutions have. To achieve its aim, the paper uses a methodology based on literature review. It was found that it is commonly assumed that regulators pursue society’s public interest, but many scholars have criticized this view over the years. One of the major schools of thought that opposes such assumption is the Public Choice. Even if many works have been conducted within the framework of the Public Choice school, it is possible to say that its major basis is the idea that public agents tend to pursue their own interests. The Theory of Economic Regulation was created among Public Choice scholars and assumes that industries that have enough power to buy legislation from politicians will most likely do it by providing votes and resources. Even so, other works have suggested that we cannot only assume that a regulator’s private interest will be the only factor that affects his behavior. The paper then also analyzes some works based on an institutional approach. This view aims in also studying how the regulatory institutions work (and not only individuals) and how external institutions may influence the regulatory process. The paper concludes by stating that we cannot be overly idealistic or too skeptical. Even if as general rule it is not possible to deny that most regulators are usually also influenced by their own private interests, it is also possible to value public interests within the government through institutional design.


Public Law; Regulation; Public Choice; Public Interest Theory; Interest Group Theory.

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Attributes of Primary Health Care For Children In Brazil

Dias Pires, Evelly


Primary health care (PHC) can be viewed as a strategy to organization and reorganization of health systems. Based on Starfield (1994), primary care is based on essential and derivative attributes of PHC. The essential attributes are first contact access, longitudinality, comprehensiveness and coordination and the derivate attributes are family orientation, community orientation, and cultural competency. With regard to child health, the National Comprehensive Child Health Care Policy (PNAISC) summarizes how Brazilian child health care is organized, and indicates PHC as the central point of this care and as the coordinator of the other points of the health care networking. The goal of this paper was to evaluate the presence and extent of the attributes of PHC in child health care in Brazil. Methods: Systematic review conduced on Scopus with articles published between 2017 and 2021, focusing on PHC for children in Brazil and that used Primary Care Assessment Tool – Brazil (PCATool – Brazil) to evaluate the attributes of PHC. Results: Child PHC in Brazil had a satisfactory result on the some of the essential attributes of PHC and an unsatisfactory result on the derivative ones. The essential attributes first contact – utilization and coordination – information systems had an adequate outcome, while first contact – access didn’t perform well. Concerning longitudinality and coordination – care integration, the care provided present disparities between regions. The different outcomes on comprehensiveness is related to the type of service provided. Furthermore, the derivative attributes family and community orientation didn’t have a good outcome. Conclusion: Based on the results, child PHC in Brazil has strong attributes as first contact – utilization and coordination – information systems. However, it doesn’t present a satisfactory extent of all PHC attributes, with an unequal longitudinality and coordination – care integration among regions and a best comprehensiveness on FHS (Family Health Strategy). The North and Central-West regions need a better representation on studies concerning the attributes of child PHC.


Primary health care, child health, evaluation of health services, quality of health care, attributes of PHC, PCATool – Brazil.

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Forest Fires Remote Sensing Review in a Protected State Park in Santa Catarina, Brazil

Dutra de Sena, Julia


Burning fires are caused by dry seasons, accidents, agriculture ambitions and real estate speculation, like in the case of a protected state park, called Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro, in Santa Catarina, Brazil. This preserved area suffers from anthropogenic pressure, especially near the beach, where urbanity takes place. The fires enhanced over the last 3 decades, mainly in 2012 and 2019. This study promotes a reflection about this rising fire and reviews study cases that mapped this state park. The principal objective is to exhibit a historical remote sensing of this area, supporting the park for its management and mitigated actions. Some researchers approached technical ways to map the park and corrected the satellite images with some methodologies. The most common satellite used for these burning areas was the LANDSAT satellite due to its resolution. Other researchers promoted reflections about the fire events describing its facts. Both approaches came with data and important information about the burning areas. In eight years (2001 to 2008) 1,375 hectares burned in the area, and in one year (2019) 1,123.66 hectares have suffered from fire. The rising fire is notable; therefore, this review encourages the remote sensing as a mitigated action for the next years to avoid future burning fires.


Burning areas, remote sensing, Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro, Conservation Unit.

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Local Climate Policy and Community Involvement. Case Study of Strategic Documents Addressing Climate Change in 6 CEE Countries

Dutra Franco, Brenda


Climate change is widely regarded as one of the most pressing challenges facing societies worldwide. Governments and public institutions are employing various strategies to shape and address this issue. These include the development of strategic documents by international, national, regional and local authorities, as well as the implementation of legislation, incentives, education and information campaigns. The aim of this study is to collect public information on strategic documents on climate change in six Central and Eastern European countries between 2018 and 2022. In addition, this study aims to analyze the extent to which these cities have incorporated community participation into their local climate policies. In total, 25 public climate change policy documents were studied, focusing on those of Berlin (5), Bratislava (2), Budapest (1), Prague (3), Vienna (6), and Warsaw (8). Since some of these documents were written in the original language, they had to be translated before analysis. Although many cities recognize the impact of climate change on local communities and acknowledge their role as policy makers, community participation remains limited.


Climate change, local climate policy, public policy documents, strategies, community involvement.

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The Influence of Brazilian Music on Mental Health and Well-Being

David Barroso de Souza, Ana Flávia


Updated studies prove that good music has the power to promote well-being, modify our thoughts and emotions, release dopamine and positively affect our brain. Therefore, selecting quality music will certainly contribute to the management of our thoughts and emotions as proposed by author and psychiatrist Augusto Cury in his theory of multifocal intelligence. In this article I present the direct relationship between managing thoughts and mood and selecting good music to listen to and how this affects the cognitive system. Therefore, it is worth highlighting that some musical genres presented better results and numerous benefits for listeners, including the harmonious Brazilian music of the Bossa nova, Samba and Forró genres, which mostly provide: calm, relaxation and joy. Samba, for example, makes you want to dance. The sound of the drums hypnotizes the viewer and causes pleasure. Below, studies carried out to try to understand this phenomenon will be presented. “And anyone who was seen dancing was considered crazy by anyone who couldn’t hear the music” (Friedrich Nietzsche).


Music, Mental health, Brazilian music, Augusto Cury, Intelligence academy.

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The Restrictive Measures Addressed to Russia at Ukraine's Conflict: An Alternative Way of Applying the International Law

Defina Sarje, Giovana


Started in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea to Russian territory, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine reached its peak on February, 2022, when, upon recognizing the independence of the Ukrainian provinces Lugansk and Donetsk, Russia moved its troops across the Ukrainian border, entering its territory. Since then, several restrictive measures have been applied, seeking to discourage Russian actions in Ukraine through economic impacts. Such sanctions are the subject of discussion, from the perspective of International Law, since the restriction of the global interaction of a State was a way found by the European Union to prevent Russia from continuing the aggression. With that, those measures would instigate the restoration of harmonious relations between countries. In this paper, the effectiveness of the restrictive measures will be analyzed, considering the principled aspects of International law. The purpose is to verify how the International Law principles, such as peaceful settlement of disputes, are inserted in the European Union sanctions. As a preliminary conclusion, it is possible to observe: (i) the ability of the International Law shapeshifts according to the conflict, since the implementation of those sanctions assumes a transnational activism form to condemn Russian actions, and (ii) the power of building social realities of this Law field, always aiming cooperation between countries.


Ukraine’s invasion; Russia; Restrictive measures; EU sanctions; International Law.

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Privatization of Ports in Brazil: Is It a Way to Increase Its Efficiency?

Delpupo Wanick Mattos, Marcelo


The present paper aims to analyze the privatization of the Port of Vitória, which was carried out in 2022, marking the first privatization of a port authority in Brazil. Given the novelty of the port management model introduced with this privatization, the so-called private landlord port, replacing the landlord port, the question arises whether the privatization is an effective way to increase efficiency, balancing the risk of having a private company responsible of a matter of national sovereignty. To address this, it was made an analysis of the regulatory framework applicable to the sector, the New Ports (Law 12.815/2013), focusing on the possibilities of private sector exploration of port services. Along with that, it was researched the major ports in the world and its administration model, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of them.


Port Authority, Ports, Law, Ports administration models, Port of Vitória, Brazil, Privatization.

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Oral Manifestation of Cancer Treatment

Dias de Carvalho, Guilherme


Cancer is considered one of the diseases that most affects individuals around the world and due to the few routes of intervention and its potential metastatic nature, it can generate oral manifestations. Currently, antineoplastic treatment is established by radiotherapy, which consists of exposure to ionizing radiation in the region affected by cancer cells, and chemotherapy, which is the administration of substances that compromise cellular functioning. Given the approaches used, the presence of manifestations that compromise the functional integrity of the oral cavity and adjacent structures was noted. Therefore, the objective of this paper has focused on describing the main oral complications in patients undergoing antineoplastic treatment. As methodological procedures, a literature review was evaluated with the keywords “Antineoplastic protocols”, “Cancer symptoms”, “Oral health” and “Oral manifestations”, through a bibliographic search carried out in the databases: National Library of Medicine (PubMed), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). As requirements, only the inclusion of articles in English and Portuguese is established. Infections, development of oral mucositis, osteoradionecrosis, trismus, loss of taste and xerostomia are admitted as complications in cancer patients. Therefore, dental evaluation before, during and after cancer treatment is essential to promote the quality of life of these patients.


Antineoplastic Protocols, Cancer Symptoms, Oral Health, Oral Manifestations.

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Residence Permit: A Guide to Getting Regularized in Brazil

Dias Galama, Ícaro


This article presents an analysis of Brazilian legislation on migration, as well as an analysis of the interpretation of Law nº 13.445/2017 and Decree nº 9.199/2017, an experience report of the author’s work at the Migration Office of the Federal Police. The main objective of this research is to prepare a guide for foreigners who intend to regularize their situation in Brazil, exposing the necessary documentation, thus facilitating access to legal procedures. The hypotheses presented in the law, international agreements and treaties, documentation for the cases listed in the scope of this research are considered, dealing mainly with Mercosur.  Obviously, natives of South American countries have easier access to Brazil, although the Brazil also welcomes foreigners from African, Asian, and European countries, as well as North America and Oceania, many with the intention of studying, working or even living with their families. It is expected that access to the list of documents, such as the necessary requirements for each case, in an organized manner, will provide the necessary subsidies for those interested in living legally in Brazil, and the document processing process, with information on translations and the Hague Apostille, which becomes relevant if the foreigner wants to naturalize as Brazilian after following certain requirements.


Brazil; Migration; Agreements; Residence Permit; Mercosur.

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How to Bring the General Public Back to the Libraries

Dias Malvaccini, Chrystianne


With the advent of technology and other types of modern activities like video games, video chats and streaming apps, the use of the library in Brazil is becoming a little obsolete. As discovered throw research, many people from the general public think that nowadays the libraries are for students, researchers or older people. And a library is more then that. A library is a place of and for freedom of speech, fun activities and, of course, for study and research. It is a safe place. A place for getting knowledge and wisdom in any type or form. And, this exodus “fenomenal” has been happening through the years and we need to make it stop. We need to bring the general public back and show them how interesting and important is to have a library included on the regular activities of a person or the hole family. Throughout this presentation I am going to show and discuss what I think is a good way to do this and how I think I can manage to bring the general public back to the library and the thoughts and views of the local people that I gathered to respond some questions and participate in this research.


Library, library science, tecnology, general public.

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A Brief Review of Machine Learning Techniques in Computational Ethology

Duarte Fonseca, Rodrigo


The increase in the production of behavioral data in the neurosciences, together with technological advances in computer science, have made it possible to automate the analysis of animal behavior, also known as ethology. Scientific literature has coined the term computational ethology to describe the application of computer systems that make use of computer vision and artificial intelligence techniques in the field of ethology. This paper aims to carry out a brief literature review to identify which algorithms and machine learning techniques have been used in problems of ethological analysis of animal models based on video recordings. As a result, it was identified that supervised models are the most common, which still requires extensive manual annotation work by expert observers to build datasets of behavioral data. Advances are needed in terms of terminology as well as model transparency and reproducibility.


Animal Behavior, Computational Ethology, Machine Learning, Rodents Behavior Analysis.

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Sustainability in 3D Printing Process: Filament Recycling and Manufacturing Process

Duarte Virtuoso, Vinícius


3D printing, or additive manufacturing, has transformed object and component production with customization and waste reduction. Yet, material diversity necessitates filament recycling and material reuse. This review addresses filament recycling challenges and underscores their importance for technology and sustainability. We explore 3D printing’s history, disruptive nature, and industrial applications. Focusing on filament recycling, we discuss efficiency, material contamination, new material development, “homemade” extruders, and community education. Effective recycling methods are pivotal for sustainability. Identifying and mitigating impurities is crucial for recycled material quality. Research on new materials expands 3D printing possibilities, reducing non-renewable resource dependence. The inclusion of recycling in low-cost extruders increases accessibility. Awareness and education promote sustainable 3D printing. This article emphasizes tackling these challenges to foster sustainable additive manufacturing practices and spur further research.


3D printing, Filament recycling, Material reuse, Additive Manufacturing, Sustainability.

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Evaluation of Salt and Light Stress on Carotenoids Production by Micrococcus Luteus

Durães Chlusewicz, Vitória


Some bacteria can produce carotenoids as secondary metabolites, and they may have a photooxidative protection function, and previous studies point out the potential of Micrococcus luteus for the accumulation of sarcinaxanthin, a 50-carbon carotenoid. These compounds may have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, protection against UV radiation, and health benefits. Given the various possible applications, the present work aimed to evaluate the influence of salt and light stress on the production of carotenoids from M. luteus. The experiments were performed in 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with 50 mL of soy tryptone broth with sucrose and potassium nitrate at 35 °C, pH 7.00 and 150 rpm, with sufficient inoculum volume for optical density of 0.1. The experimental conditions were no salt without light, no salt with light, salt without light, salt with light, and salt with blue light. The latter condition was evaluated by packing the flasks with blue cellophane paper. For the no-light condition, the flasks were covered with kraft paper. For the light supply, three 20 W led lamps were attached to the surface of the orbital shaker. The samples were removed at different times up to 40 h and centrifuged, the supernatant was separated to measure the pH, the pellets were resuspended in 10 mL of methanol for carotenoid extraction, and then resuspended in water for biomass determination. According to the results, there was a decrease in the pH of all experiments evaluated, which showed that the salt and light did not influence the pH. Similar behaviour was observed in biomass production, as the different experiments presented a similar growth curve. Regarding pigment production, it was verified that the presence of salt did not interfere, but the highest productivities occurred in the conditions with light. At blue light condition, it was observed an increase in productivity, corresponding to a value of 13.78 % in relation to the visible light condition. It is concluded from that the bacterium M. luteus has a great carotenoid producing potential when submitted to light stress conditions, but salt did not influence such production.


Fermentation, Biopigment, Sarcinaxanthin, Influence.

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Low-Budget Baropodometer Prototype Using ESP-WROOM-32 Modules

Domenici Mozzer Arantes, Gabriel


This paper introduces a novel low-cost baropodometer device designed for foot pressure distribution analysis across various applications including clinical diagnostics, sports biomechanics, and rehabilitation. Emphasizing accessibility and accuracy, the device offers promising solutions for assessing gait abnormalities, foot posture, and biomechanical imbalances. The study meticulously details the prototype creation process, encompassing component selection and software development, while also addressing challenges encountered during its development. Following device testing, data analysis and diagnoses were conducted by a professional physiotherapist on two female patients. The project demonstrates effectiveness in its objectives, marking a advancement in the field of foot pressure analysis.


ESP-WROOM-32, Low Budget, Baropodometer, Force Sensitive Resistor, FSR-402,Prototype.

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Urban Transformations in Sousas: Preservation of Historical Heritage

Domingos Bueno, Pedro


This research explores the complex urban dynamics and preservation challenges confronting the historic center of Sousas, a district in Campinas, Brazil, amidst rapid urbanization and real estate development. Through a multidisciplinary framework incorporating urban analysis, literature review, and community engagement, the study examines the impacts of these transformations on Sousas’ cultural heritage and socio-spatial fabric. Findings reveal a landscape reshaped by the emergence of gated communities, environmental preservation initiatives, and an influx of affluent residents seeking an alternative to urban life. However, these changes jeopardize the preservation of architectural and cultural heritage, with gentrification eroding the district’s identity and traditional way of life. The study advocates for preserving Sousas’ cultural heritage while enhancing its public space functionality.


Urban dynamics, Preservation, Historic center, Sousas, Campinas, Brazil, gentrification, cultural heritage, sustainable development, gated communities.

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