The temperatures during the Czech winter period may vary considerably in different years. Usually, the temperature stays around 0 °C, yet some snow may be expected. In tough winters, temperatures may drop to around -10 °C and they are accompanied by a lot of snow (usually less in large cities than in the countryside). In mild winters, they may stay above 0 °C for most of the time.
The infrastructure of the country is very well prepared for tough winters, so public transportation, roads, trains, and services in general may operate normally even during very cold and/or heavy snow periods.
Brazilian students participating in the UNIGOU Exchange program are recommended to buy winter clothing after arriving in the Czech Republic. They are cheaper and more suitable for winter than the ones commonly accessible in Brazil.
By joining the UNIGOU program, Brazilian students can take advantage of the opportunity to live a real Czech student life in one of the university halls of residence. In these dormitories, each student shares a flat with other students from anywhere in the world, which definitely provides a more complete local student experience.
The university campuses in the Czech Republic are usually not centralised. As universities have grown over the centuries and decades, the university buildings may be spread around the city, and the same applies to the dormitory facilities. Each university usually has several dormitory buildings with different amenities that are located in different parts of the city.